Quadrilateral: This now abandonded storage facility once held UNSC ammunitions and supplys. Gametypes:Slayer Variants, CTF variants, KotH, Assault and Infection. Players: 2-8 Players Download here: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=75130107 This map is a perfectly symmetrical indoor Slayer, CTF map. The map is designed around a huge middle structure that is 4 floors high. Around that are 2 mongoose tunnels and 2 bases. Each base has 4 ways into it and a side route that is designed for a mongoose and Flag getaways. In front of each base is a small room designed as a focal point for the different ways upto the various levels. There is a mancannon to one and a tunnel to another. The 4th floor of the map is only accesible by way of teleporter that is hidden underneath one of the floorboards on the 2nd level. Weapon wise the map is designed for close to mid-range combat with each weapon being balanced so no one item is overpowering. There is a regenerator on the 2nd level, shotgun on the 3rc and a overshield on the 4th level. Each floor is seperate though so no one can get all three at once. Overall the weapons on the map include: * 4 BR-30 sec * 2 AR- 30 sec * 2 Carbine- 60 sec * 2 Mauler- 60 sec * 2 Brute shot- 60 sec * 1 Shotgun- 120 sec * 1 Regenerator- 120 sec * 2 Bubble shield- 60 sec * 2 Mongoose- 120 sec Team Spawn Mongoose Spawn 1st Floor Main Tunnel Room Other side of Tunnel Room 2nd Floor 4th Floor from below 4th Floor Shotgun Spawn As i said before this would be an excellent CTF and KotH map. The multiple levels and various entrances and escapes could make for some excellent gameplay. Unfortunatly i have not play tested the map so if anyone would like to download, and send me back some gameplay feedback i would appreciate it. -Thanks for checking out the map and plz download. -Gamefreak1792
I really like the design of this map. It seems you did a good job interlocking. Though it seems mongoose's would get crowded. Maybe a bit more BR's and Carbines The shotgun seems fine. 5/5 Can't wait to test it.
Thanks and there are only 2 mongoose on the map and they are at opposite ends at each base so they it doesnt get hectic since this is a more indoor map more BRs wouldnt really work, the only place they would work is on the main and 2nd floor where you can see they other person coming alittle sooner.
I just downloaded it and checked it out.... awsome. That shotgun would kick butt in that level. I like the mongoose tunnels too. Like Pwnography said, good job interlocking. I'll be honest though, it took me awhile to get my bearings in those tunnels.
I havent played the map yet because i cant play on weekdays. But one thing i can suggest out of experience is if u have 2 maulers and a shotgun in a small-roomed map the person/s with these weapons will be very over powered. If you are going to do that be sure u have weapons to counter them. Like put the shotgun in one base and the maulers in another, or have a rocket spawn, or maybe a grav hammer. but u need something to counter these weapons. will edit when i play it.
There is one mauler at each base and the shotgun is on the top floor so yes it would be alittle overpowering but it equals out with the levels and the mailers
This looks great. I'm downloading this. Competitive maps: they are all well put together and good for slayer, but only a few stand out creatively. This is one of them.