My Brute Hey guys I actually just found this game 2day searching the internet with the help of my bro. Its actually a really fun game that kinda basically runs itself, most of it is random. You basically make a guy and fight simulated fights to level him up, 6 the first day and 3 for the following days. It can actually be really fun and addictive. If you goto SavageSmurf My Brute you can just make a guy on the left under me as my pupil (doesnt mean much) then you can put a password on your guy if you want but you dont have to, its a simple and fun game too!
Ya its really fun, if you get pupils you level up even faster thats why I'm trying to get em. If yall want we could make a list of our pages so everyone could get pupils
we've already had a mybrute craze here... got kinda annoying, while the game itself was pretty tight.
If anyone has their link to their brute just post it here and I'll add it to the top post to keep it all fair
well if it doesnt matter to you quit spaming and talk about your worthless problem elsewhere anyway how do you play is it like final fantasy o pokemon or is it different it sounds intresting can someone tell me a little more about it
Its basically just a random leveling game. you fight other brutes and random attacks happen to pick the winner. After you level you get a random weapon skill or pet, its pretty fun