Somebody needs to make hogwarts!!!!! Or maby like 5 maps each one is a part of hogwarts like the great hall the staircases the griffendor commen room and some clasrooms. LIKE OMG THAT WOULD BE SO COOL! (basicaly I wan't to make a machinima but need maps.)
Fixed for you. (Proper grammar, correct spelling, and no caps please) OT: Do you know how hard that would be? Even on Sandbox, you would need so many more resources and you would easily hit the item limit before you were close to done.
Aw, Ace, I wasn't gonna spoil that much of his dream for him (even though I fully agree that it would be entirely unfeasible). An environment with the size, scale, and depth of Hogwarts would be a fit place to host an entire new expansion game a la ODST. If you can fit it in one map without making your box crash, you will have ascended to a level of forging prowess beyond anything that has yet been achieved.
Aww you guys are humbugs.. here's your solution. Simply make 3 different maps that contain different parts of the castle. If they are made perfectly with what appears to be the other two maps in the background, then with a bit of film magic.. you can make it appear like it was one big building. However it scares me that you're going to attempt a harry potter machinima on halo. I. Do. Not. Want. To. See. It. Period.
Draco, read his first post. He wants to make Hogwarts for a machinima he's planning, and it's actually a pretty original idea. As of yet, I don't think it's been done.