this map requires the Mythic DLC took me a long time to build this,edit it,and fix the little things thay wernt 100%.but i finally got it up here it is! it's called xMEGARAMPx (the x is there because there was a previous version called MEGARAMP)and the main objective is to drive either a mongoose or warthog up the ramp that will send you soaring over the gap onto the landing pad.once you land on the landing pad you must make your way back around to the beginning via the long wooden bridge running along the side of the map.i have made a gametype for this game called RACE.(original,i know) the map will NOT work without this gametype.with this gametype,a large KOTH marker will appear in the air above the gap.players must aim for this hill and land safely on the landing pad.if you do not land on the landing pad,you WILL die by means of a killball,or falling to your death.each time you go up the ramp and into the hill,you will score 1 point.players must try and maintain the most points ahead of competitors by repeating the process outlined above. map supports up to 14 players (best with 5-10) rules.. 1. do NOT kill competitors.killing them will score you no points and you may be botted from the don't do it. 2. do NOT block the raceway.this refers to either the runway, ramp or wodden bridge.theres no fun in why bother? 3. do NOT kill yourself after you have completed the jump.this will lead to a pile of mongosses on the landing pad that will interrupt play of others players.if you do this just so you can respawn back at the start quickly,it is regarded as cheating. this map is great fun for those looking for a simple minigame to pass the time in customgames.if you win,you are not better than anyone else at Halo 3.anyone can win on this map. i know its not the best forging,but after all, this isnt forge-masterpiece-hub sorry i didnt have more pictures to put up!but download the map and you can see what its like for yourself. here are the links xMEGARAMPx ------ : Halo 3 File Details RACE (gametype) ------ : Halo 3 File Details if you have any futher questions,contact me on my gamertag EliteMark
ok this looks like a map me and myt friends would build, mess about on in forge and then destroy, ok fair enough for one of your first maps but it gets dull. 2/5 nothing new
hm, well, its not good. i agree wit spazmonkey, i do this sort of stuff in 15 mins, have a litl bit of fun, then pack the place with explosives and get a fun screenshot not a good map. Also honour rules generally suck, make it so you don't need them 3/10
i find it fun.....='( i didnt think the map was so amazing myself but i only put it up after friends told me to the screenshot i took wasnt great either.but i promise you its better than it looks
it's fun for about five inutes, yes.Then its immensely boring. Sorry to be so harsh btw, im usually much nicer lol
Give the guy a break, he posted a map he thought to be fun so let him be and even better he posted it up to FH standards. but is the point of playing a game to have fun even if it is for a short amount of time!?... but anyhow i have to agree it fun for a hour maybe and then gets boring. but still at least he has posted a map! i'll dl to see what it's like
i think it would work well as a feature in a larger racetrack with banked turns etc but on its own, i agree no more than 5 minutes of fun. it has a potential to be an awesome track but at the moment i would give it a 5/10. sorry.
you need to have more than one picture because i cannot see anything but what appears to be a finish line point.
This map does look like it would be fun for a little but not after like 10 min or so lol... It doesn't have any banks or anything like that but the jump does looks pretty cool... Try learning how to make everything double wide and without honor rules or with VERY few honor rules and have bank turns =)
this was a very quick map i made for fun.i didnt think of it as a great map myself but my friends thought it was great and told me to post it so i did.i was thinking of making a race track for it but im no good at serious forging =P.but if anyone wants to have a go at it be my guest.sorry i couldnt put up more photos cos my space was full.
This map looks a bit sloppy and easy to make, but it could be a lot of fun. One suggestion, since this isn't technically a race map, i would post it under casual.
How was mine unhelpful? lol it was like a whole paragraph... oh well and me and only one other person got an infraction when mine was alot better than most peoples lol Also I noticed something else... you put warthogs on a race map?! Don't ever ever do that lol they are horrible for racetracks especially when it is single wide lol =)
Not the best dude sorry, I downloaded and its alright but novice. Maybe try a V2 and see if you can fix up some stuff