I know this probably has been posted/asked before but, I could not find it, what is the flattest object to make a floor with, on sandbox?
Other than walls, block flats, tube ramps, small wedges, and angled blocks. Also, Corner and t walls work well.
Wow, there is an object in Sandbox's palette that need more attention. Wooden bridges. Flat, look floor like, don't tilt like walls, take up very little space unlike blocks, interlock together nicely unlike blocks. Wooden bridges need more loving.
same for me, i can't use wood it makes the flow of the map disrupted and throws me off. I'd say use a block huge, or the bottoms of block double they seem to be the best.
Well I love the way you got me to think of this...have you ever noticed that on a box large or box double there is always a chip taken off of it.So eliminate that.If I were you I would interlock some boxes,or walls sraight forward.Depends on what kind of vision you have in your head about the map.For example...If you want a slightly more elevated floor thwn stick with boxes.But for a lower elavated map,use walls.Hope this helped.
Exactly my point dude.The Sandbox variant brings more scenery,but at what cost?They have bumps and everything in them..simply just horrible.But interlocking is the key.Some people have to get off their **** and get to work.More scenery does not equal less lazyness people.No more spam maps.
Thats not how to make a flat floor, its how to make a wavy floor. Not only that you need to keep all your walls in the same angle, that means no angles. Everyone knows aesthetics is all about angles.
hmm i used double blocks and interlocked them, it cost more but i achieved a very very smooth floor so when you run u don't bump at all its just a smooth run like the default floor. As you said people have to stop being lazy and actually interlock objects, all my maps are almost 100% interlocked every time.
Dude seriously? Did you even read it? The guy said that turning the walls 180˚ will get rid of bumps and that the angle is only off by enough that it stops bumps not makes the floor wavy.
Well not just the rounded out corners but look closely at the boxes face itself and it is wavy and not flat, I am not talking about the corners too because I was planning on interlocking anyway.
'Block, Doubles' are a lot flatter up-side-down. Other than that, use 'Block, Huge' and 'Block, Tall.' Those seem to work well for me.
...guys, the chips in Blocks and Block Doubles are just in the graphical models. In the hard-surface models, they're not actually there, so they'll have no effect on gameplay. Or am I the only one who's noticed that Wedge, Huge is beveled in the graphical model in such a way that would prevent it from standing upside-down were it present in the hard-surface model? Or how about Column, Stone Large? One of the ends of that piece looks like it was held crookedly to the sander, and yet when you place it down on that side, it floats on the more perfect hard-surface model. The point is that I'm almost positive that the chips and dips in the graphical model have no bearing on the piece's actual geometry. EDIT: In response to the initial question, the best object to use to create a flat, level surface is anything besides Wall or Wall, Double. Blocks, Wedges, Columns, Arches, Tubes, Ramps, Platforms, Scaffolding, and Wood Bridges all function very well and can be used to create a flat surface (granted you may have to interlock a bit with some of them, and it depends on the aesthetic you're going for, but they'll all work).
thank you lol thats what i was trying to say, but i didn't know the collision model was full with no chips but like i said on my map you run and there is no bumps so i kinda figured it was just the look.
For block doubles though the graphics show chips and things, but it IS wavy and the waviness is not just graphical, it is actually there, and Jpec, you are really wrong.