Bloody Hills Bloody Hills is an open style map. It has two main bases with a path out of each base that connects the two bases, making the bases outer boundary. I got the inspiration to make a crypt map on the main layer of Sandbox from the map remake Excavation that i found in The Forgotten Treasures submission thread. In the middle of the map there are two hill-like structures. One consists of corner, smalls and the other is made of corner, larges. The hills are designed to give each team a chance to either duel wield SMGs or Plasma Rifles. Across from the raised path with the Machine Gun Turret and the Sniper Rifle is the rocket spawn. This area is very open so you will be taking a big risk when going for the rockets. The map has two shotgun spawns. This allows both teams to hold a good defense. The shotguns are specifically placed so that it will be very difficult to pick up one and run over to the other and steal it from them. Because the map is so open each base is armed with four battle rifles. You do not want to be caught in the middle without a BR. Weapons List: Battle Rifles x10 Plasma Rifles x2 SMG x2 Carbine x2 Sniper Rifle x1 Rocket Launcher x1 Shotgun x2 Machine Gun Turret x1 Bloody Hills DL: : Halo 3 File Details Overview Overview2 Gun Turret and Sniper Rifle Large Hill Small Hill Red Base(Blue base is the same) Super Overview Bloody Hills DL: : Halo 3 File Details Please Comment! (Any "open" comments can be kept to themselves) ~ FSC RedNeck (Creator)
this is a great map i really like the wall you have set up im gonna have to use that in one of my maps and the weapon lay out is very good and the map is very clean well and merged
I'm going to be brutally honest, the middle ruins it for me, I love everything but the middle structures, they urk me.... not sure why but they do. Something about it being so symmetrical and then f'ing up at the last moment is just urking... Now onto the rest of the map, I love your base layour and that central catwalk, those are pretty epic... but sorry no DL middle is too urking. 7/10 Good effort!
So exactly how much of Octodeath's Excavation did you steal, here? I mean, clearly you DL'd his map, and changed a bit in the middle, and in the corners... but yeh... this thread is locked until you PM me and explain yourself
Wow- jump the gun a bit? Way to jump on a guy WITHOUT checking first. The fact that you didn't apologize publicly in your follow up for blatantly accusing the guy of stealing is a joke.
irk (ûrk)tr.v. irked, irk·ing, irks To be irritating, wearisome, or vexing to. See Synonyms at annoy.
Deffinitely an Arena feel here, but I agree with the middle not being to hot. The whole map is symetrical except for the center. I would put more cover in the center. It looks like guys down their are at a major disadvantage. I wouldn't even jump done their for a rocket launcher.