Hold-Out http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=18017107 Hold-Out is an a-symetrical map designed almost exclusively for One-Bomb Assault, though i have set it up for Team Slayer, CTF King of the Hill, Territories and Oddball. The basic layout of the map is: A big building (3 Floors) at on end occupying just under half of the map with a small back corridor behind it to allow the attackers to get in the back doors it also contains a brute shot and a couple of nades. in addition to the two back entrances there are two side entrances on the ground level and two front entrances which lead up to the second floor. next to these stairs are two open single boxes housing two magnums in one and a flare in the other In the building there is a shotgun, needler, a couple of maulers, two spikers, two plasma pistols, a BR and a bunch of grenades. on the second floor there is the exit to a balcony with a BR on it and the stairs to the third floor, which has a pair of bridges that lead out to a balcony/sniper perch with two SMGs the sniper, a carbine and two more nades. There is very little cover up here (just one short barrier) to allow the attackers to easily kill the sniper with a grenade or BR. The sniper is hidden beneath the two bridges and can be accsessed by crouch underneath them. the attackers can also obtain the sniper with a well placed grenade to blow it onto the ground below. finnally there is a hidden splazer in the base on the fourth floor but only skilled jumpers will be able to make it up there the attackers have a much smaller but equally defendable base which is alot like a wall. it has lots of cover as you will see in the screenshots, but not many weapons. In the attackers base there is two BR's a carbine, two spikers, abrute shot and four grenades downstairs there is two mongooses (mongeese?) and a second carbine. the grav lift on top of the "garage" allows them to access the top of the open double boxwhere there is a carbine and some cover (the Flag and Bomb spawn near the grav lift in those games). in the centre of the map there is very little cover to encourage fighting in the bases but there is a double box which has been merged with the ground (rocket launcher spawns here) and two open double boxes on either side of that with two SMG's in one and a needler in the other, there is also a BR on top off one and a carbine on the other. there is also two spikers and two plasma rifles lying on the ground near the barriers on the edge. as far as i know there is know there is no way out of the map but if you find one please tell me so i can fix it. _________________________________________________ Screenshots this is the defenders base this is it's interior this is the shotgun spawn (behind the stairs to the third floor) getting the sniper rifle the spartan laser spawn a view of the attackers base from the sniper perch the attackers base the central area with the rocket launcher NO you cannot has teh power-upz! _________________________________________________ as you can see i have put alot of effort into this map, i worked on it on and off for about 2 weeks and would really like some feed back and reviews on how the map played so i can improve it.
im not getting the overshields, is it just for an aesthetic touch, because if it wasn't id be worried about 2 right next to eachother
Yup, It resembles "locations" on the map... I'm a'gonna have tuh startz using thoz. :I oh seems it could play well... I'll DL
yeah the overshields are just aesthetics to show the red base as is the blue one in the building you can't collect them but they still look cool and they don't really work in one-bomb since you switch ends. i saw it in @different level and wanted to try it
Just from the pictures, I get the feeling that this map had a lot of time put into it. After I've downloaded it and have taken a quick walk through on the map, I will edit this post with my thoughts. Edit: I just took a quick walk through of the map and everything looks solid. Both bases were very nicely made, the defending base was slightly sloppy towards the back. But none of that should affect gameplay, aside from minor grenading. I also noticed a Spartan Laser shadow on a wall and the only way to reach the platform holding it was to nade jump. Is there a easier way to do this? The assaulting base was also very nicely put together, I kinda liked it better than the defending base. The rest of the layout of the map was also very nice, I have not yet gotten a chance to see gameplay on this map. But from what I've seen it seems like it would be fun. Good Job on the map.
Whoa man whoa, I can tell you put a hell of a lot of effort into the Defender base. With the use of interlocking it makes it seem really smooth and mighty.=] I personally like the Overshields and invis for aesthetic touches. It looks well done. =]
yea the defender base took at least 8 hours to create and it changed dramatically since i first imagined it
i placed the laser as more of a tease but yes that is the simplest way to get to the spartan laser but you can use the flare i placed down the front of the base to equipment jump or you can use buddy jumping.
Looks pretty solid man.. Ima DL and give it a run-through.. Get back with a bit of a review later. GJ Ninja Monkey vanish* POOF!
Dude, i didn't really like the idea of this map but i had a blast making divide with you so i'll check it out anyway.
Man, the game i played on this map was great!, the side areas with the barriers were used alot more than i expected though and everytime i tried to get the laser someone got me
yea the laser is supposed to be hard to get, but in my game no one ever went to the sides unless they were picking up weapons, most of the fighting was based around the wall