Sandbox Surroco

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Milk Assasin, Apr 20, 2009.

  1. Milk Assasin

    Milk Assasin Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Map Title: Surroco
    Players: 2-16
    Gametypes: Slayer and objective (all)
    Details: The map is made in the lower area of sandbox. It is well balanced, with good spawn points. The weapons are evenly distributed, making this map one of the best sandbox variations to date. There is high and low ground with plenty of cover to escape from enemy fire if neccessary. The map is well built, and consists of a selection of ramps and gravity lifts to reach the ever important vantage points each of which contain a sniper/beam rifle.

    Further info: Message Milk Assasin or m0et for further information regarding the map. We would also appreciate your views and opinions on the map. Various people have already said that it should be in matchmaking and that it is a very good map. So please consider it and let us know your feelings towards it. Thanks.

    EDIT: More Screenshots have been added upon demand! These Include Close Ups and Action Shots Enjoy :)

    Also if you could please rate the map on i would greatly appreciate it.thanks :)


    Aerial View:
    View From Beam Rifle Platform To Sniper Rifle Platform:
    View From Sniper Rifle Platform To Beam Rifle Platform:
    View From Oversheild Corner Towards The Centre Of The Map:
    View From Top Corner Above Shotgun Spawn Towards The Centre Of The Map:

    Close ups:

    Shotgun Tunnel to Sword Tunnel:
    Looking towards the shotgun tunnel:
    OverSheild Corner:
    Invisibility Corner:
    The Main Feature and Rocket Spawn:
    Arch To Main Feature and Rocket Spawn:

    Action Shots:

    Explosion up on the Beam Rifle Platform:
    The Tunnel Lighting:
    Mini Warzone:
    The Surroco Guardian:
    Red vs Blue:
    Some Explosive Action:

    DOWNLOAD HERE: Surroco
    #1 Milk Assasin, Apr 20, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2009
  2. DeathstarsOG

    DeathstarsOG Ancient
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    You need to use a website like to upload your screenshots. First save the pics onto your computer, the upload them to tinypic(or similar website) and then paste the [​IMG]
  3. Milk Assasin

    Milk Assasin Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ok thanks...can i just post links to the pics on or is that nopt allowed?
  4. doomgrunt

    doomgrunt Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It is not allowed. Your screenshots must be embedded. Instead of uploading your screenshots to or (I prefer photobucket) try using It's much simpler. Just put your gamertag into the search bar, and all the screenshots you've ever taken will appear. Find the screenshots you want, and copy and paste BB code.
    #4 doomgrunt, Apr 20, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2009
  5. Milk Assasin

    Milk Assasin Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks alot guys. its all sorted now. what u think? :)
    #5 Milk Assasin, Apr 20, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2009
  6. sethkasketch

    sethkasketch Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Halo Screen Shots
    just, in future. It's good for posting screenshots.
    I'm gna DL, feedback soon..

    wow, this is an very very good map.
    I can't imagine it in matchmaking though, too detailed, you'll have to know the map well to play it well.
    the only small thing i could think of (without being too picky of course) is where the sword is. I think it would be better to put it in a place that is obvious, but harder to get to without dying, maybe in the middle of the map somewhere?
    excellant map, i think this deserves a feature
    9/10 - amazing for your first FH map ;)

    \/ and yes, i do :)
    #6 sethkasketch, Apr 20, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2009
  7. Milk Assasin

    Milk Assasin Ancient
    Senior Member

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    0 u like the map?
  8. sethkasketch

    sethkasketch Ancient
    Senior Member

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    oh, just found another thing.
    on most/ all the gametypes... ctf, odball, slayer.. The start spawn points are still in the middle area of sandbox. Also, the objectives are in the middle bit as well.

    by the middle, i mean, not in the crypt, not in the skybubble. An amateur mistake, but hey, i made a lot worse for my first maps ;)
    get the objectives and start spawn points sorted out and this map will be truly epic.
  9. Milk Assasin

    Milk Assasin Ancient
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    wow thanks alot, im glad to hear some good feedback, ill have a look at those spawn points later on tonight and try sort them out. and ill discuss thw sword location with m0et and every1 else n see what they think but i understand where you are coming from. apreciate it thanks :)

    oh and as for knowing the map well to play it, im not sure about that..cos i spose with any map uve never played on before you dont know where anything is and where might be best to go etc? i would say that playing it a few times would soon help you get a feel for it? wat ya rekon?

    oh ive had an idea...what would u say if i put the sword on top of the arch way? would that be a better spot?
    #9 Milk Assasin, Apr 20, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2009
  10. SNOO SNOO 4 U

    SNOO SNOO 4 U Ancient
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    The map looks very clean and well planed the only thing i would suggest isadding more cover to the lower leveles and changing the spawn of the power weapons. 4/5 great map keep forgeing
  11. CR4ZY S1ICK

    CR4ZY S1ICK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey nice work its neat clean and works good for the gameplay i think its perfect.:0)
  12. m0et

    m0et Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Just to let you all know all game types are now moddified and working. enjoy ;)
  13. The king psycho

    The king psycho Ancient
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    Holy god, this map looks great!!

    though i do wish you had just a few more pics, but more closer to the floor and other rooms.
  14. Milk Assasin

    Milk Assasin Ancient
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    more screen shots can be arranged, ill post some more within the next few days :)

    yup thats right, we've spent a few hours going through each gametype and modifying the spawns to suit each one :) so u can now download the updated version and have even more fun!

    yeah we have a slight problem with adding more cover :/. the problem being that we cant add any more objects to the map.. it wont let us "cannot create object to many on map" :/ and there is absolutely nothing that we could delete..believe me we have tried :( sorry
    #14 Milk Assasin, Apr 20, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 21, 2009
  15. Phoenix619

    Phoenix619 Ancient
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    Very nice map, I like the layout and the aesthetics that you included it in, I will give it a dl and get back to you on how it plays.
  16. m0et

    m0et Ancient
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    Nice to see good positive comments, as all on this forum who forge know these maps dont just clue together them selves they take plenty of time and patients, so feed back is always nice even if its negative as it helps producers of these maps iron out stuff.

    /me is glad he triped over ;)
  17. SPARTAN 121

    SPARTAN 121 Ancient
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    Holy crap, you put a lot of effort into this map! This is looking good; got it queued for DL, will check out tomorrow when I wake up and come back here with any comments I may have.
  18. Milk Assasin

    Milk Assasin Ancient
    Senior Member

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    just to say thanks to anyone who has posted positive comments so far :) keep em coming!
  19. sethkasketch

    sethkasketch Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hm, i think theres enough cover tbh.

    haha, yeah the item limit always annoys me too. I think theres a way of getting rid of it but i dunno...

    And yeah, on the archway would be a great place, with the bubble shield under it. Oh, thats gunna make some fun tactics hahaha.excellent map for one of your first. i still say it deserves a feature.
    Just DLing the newest version of your map

    seriously good map =D
  20. Milk Assasin

    Milk Assasin Ancient
    Senior Member

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    :) i might try that with the sword and bubble shield above and under the arch, but it means ill have to upload it all agen lol, which ive alredy done once :/ i spose i could post it as a v2 lol although hardly anything would change :/ and yes u can get rid of the limit but if i u make a map with no limit its not acceptable to be used in matchmaking by bungie.. :(

    oh and seth, could you please take the time to rate this thread and my map on bungie? thanks alot :)
    #20 Milk Assasin, Apr 21, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2009

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