Sandbox Reminiscent

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Mini Waz, Apr 21, 2009.

  1. Mini Waz

    Mini Waz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    -Updated 30th May 2009 -

    List Of Updated Features:

    The following alterations have been tested and there has be no affect on the core gameplay of the map. The changes have been made in order to prevent players from breaking the map.

    - Shotgun Tower (Tower opposite the Sniper Tower) has been altered slightly to prevent players from being blasted on top by the Gravity Hammer.

    - All Frag grenades have been removed.

    -Updated 24th April 2009-

    List Of Updated Features:

    The following alterations have been tested and there has be no affect on the purpose of the man cannon itself.

    - Man Cannon has been merged into the floor for better aesthetics.

    -Updated 23rd April 2009-

    List Of Updated Features:

    - Active Camo and Overshield basically swapped locations with the Bubble Shield and Regenerator.

    Weapons Removed:

    - 1 x Needler
    - 1 x Brute Shot

    Weapons Added:

    - 1 x Plasma Rifle
    - 1 x Spiker
    - 1 x Plasma Pistol
    - 1 x Magnum


    YouTube - Halo 3 Forge Map - Reminiscent By Mini Waz

    Reminiscent's design was influenced by that of Guardian and Blackout. The maps plays in a similar fashion but with it's own unique style. Lots of thought went into the design process of this map and many different stuctures were drawn out as ideas. After 2 weeks of designing, the map took around 4 days to make including all of the test playing. The map is set up for basically every gametype in the form of Slayer, Team and Multi Team settings.

    Recommended match and Gametype:

    Slayer on Reminiscent (8 players max)

    Weapon Loadout:

    4 x Battle Rifle
    2 x Covenant Carbine
    2 x Assault Rifle
    1 x Sniper Rifle
    1 x Gravity Hammer
    1 x Shotgun
    1 x Brute Shot
    1 x Needler
    2 x Plasma Rifle
    1 x SMG
    2 x Spiker
    1 x Plasma Pistol
    1 x Magnum

    Equipment Loadout:

    1 x Overshield
    1 x Active Camo
    1 x Bubble Shield
    1 x Regenerator

    Plasma grenades have been placed suitably around the map.

    Map Screenshots

    Overview 1

    Overview 2

    Middle Structure

    Under Middle Structure

    Side Structure Blue Side 1

    Side Structure Blue Side 2

    Side Structure Red Side 1

    Side Structure Red Side 2

    Active Camo / Shotgun Building

    Bottom Floor Of Active Camo / Shotgun Building

    Top Floor Of Active Camo / Shotgun Building

    Outside Sniper / Overshield Tower

    Inside Sniper / Overshield Tower

    Action Screenshots


    Download Reminiscent Here!
    #1 Mini Waz, Apr 21, 2009
    Last edited: May 30, 2009
  2. Sikamikanico

    Sikamikanico Video Team #corruptstaff
    Forge Critic

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    Looks really solid from the pictures Waz. I'll give it a download and try it out.

    I especially love the use of wood merged with the rock - gives it a really unique look. I'm curious - could you give a little more information in terms of where the teleport(s) lead to? Are they one way only?

    Cheers, and once again - great work.


    P.s - you posted this to Atlas yet!? ;o)
    #2 Sikamikanico, Apr 21, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 21, 2009
  3. Mini Waz

    Mini Waz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The teleporter information is in the Youtube video which i'm uploading again because of the copyrighted music. I'll link it within the next hour.

    I'm typing up the Atlas post at the moment.

  4. Sikamikanico

    Sikamikanico Video Team #corruptstaff
    Forge Critic

    Likes Received:
    Awesome. I'll make sure I give it some attention over there too dude. I'll come back with any thought on it after I've played it (Left 4 Dead DLC comes first tonight however!)
  5. Kitten X

    Kitten X Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I can see where your map resembles Guardian and Blackout. My favorite resemblences are the elbow and the center structure. I really admire each base, as well.

    Great job.
  6. Milk Assasin

    Milk Assasin Ancient
    Senior Member

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    impressive, i have to say this map is very eye catching, especially as i can clearly see the resemblence to guardian and blackout (two of my favourite maps :]) ill give it a download and have a mess around later today. 4/5 :)
  7. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, this looks really nice. Although I don't like the idea of teleporters on a map (camping ensues). You should call it "Guardout".

    How did you get guys with recon to play with you?
  8. Sikamikanico

    Sikamikanico Video Team #corruptstaff
    Forge Critic

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    Waz IS the man with the recon silly.
  9. Mini Waz

    Mini Waz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The Atlas post is now up. I decided to use teleporters instead of man cannons due to man cannons being unreliable in directing players. (especially in laggy conditions). Teleporter camping is not an issue as the receiver nodes can be seen from the postion of the sender nodes and through playtest, this never cropped up as an issue.
  10. An UrgeTo Dance

    An UrgeTo Dance Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It looks like a very good map and it resembles guardian and blackout very well
  11. TeapotKing

    TeapotKing Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks awesome, it's a good remake-combo-type-thing map. But just as constuctive criticism I'm not sure about the whole "sniper & nearby overshield" and "shotgun & nearby Active Camouflage" thing. the powerups seem to be a bit close to the power weapons. But if it hurts, it works, I guess!
  12. oxStevoxo

    oxStevoxo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Very nice. I've always loved Guardian and Blackout/Lockout, and have wanted to see some similar designs made in Forge. Until now though, I've not seen many good ones.
  13. TheGreatBrownie

    TheGreatBrownie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Mini, hey! OMG YOU HAS RECON TOO??? Lol, just kidding. Though, I've quit Xbox, I still like to look at some maps. Nice map, by the way. Looks good, the only thing I would suggest would be to merge that mancannon under the map. Other than that, 5/5!
  14. CR4ZY S1ICK

    CR4ZY S1ICK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey nice job ill give it a download and check it out.Its pretty neat so ya.I like every thing so its perfect you dont need to change a thing.:0)
  15. Milk Assasin

    Milk Assasin Ancient
    Senior Member

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    OMG i just played a game of slayer on your map, and i have to say, i absolutely loved it! the layout is fantastic! the weapon spawns are spot on, and the cover is just right. however, i did find 1 small thing that i wasnt to sure about:

    when u pick up the sniper, u can see straight across to the top of the man cannon area, and when i shot someone who was above the man cannon once, he dropped down... normally when this happens i would drop down underneath and make sure he doesnt get away.. but on here it just isnt IMO a dropdown from the sniper tower to the ground floor could be quite good, but thats just my opinion so w/e.

    anyways congrats on a brilliant map! well done! keep forging :)!
  16. g0t skillz

    g0t skillz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Easily reconizable "Areas" to call out. Map is beautifully made with seemless lines, something I have come to expect from Mini. I like how you took the "elbow" concepts that Bungie used on Guardian and Lockout. I am very impressed with how well thought out the layout of the map is. Seems as if it would be a map you could tread and easily remember how to get from point A to B. Which alot of maps lack. Very well done Mini. I would love to play some games on it! 10/10!!!!
  17. Mini Waz

    Mini Waz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks so much, it means a lot when someone make a lengthy and helpful review.

    I decided against the third level on the Sniper Tower as i didn't really want the sniper to be able to dominate the map. If i had the bottom level then the sniper would be able to cover most of the power weapons.

    The bottom level is still there but it's basically rotated 90 degrees.
  18. Nollie

    Nollie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Purple light. FTW!
  19. WREX

    WREX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map is well done. I do like Blackout/Guardian/Lockout. But does look like they may have influenced you too much. It mostly looks as if you took pieces from each and put them together. it is good tho. 4.5/5
  20. iTz Longshot

    iTz Longshot Ancient
    Senior Member

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    that is a good mixture between guardian and blackout/lockout. i love small maps like them. personally, i dont exactaully see the need to put some teleporters, even though it was for camping most likely. well it looks like a nice map for gameplay. will have to give it a DL and a test

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