Fallout: New Vegas

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by The Hudacris, Apr 20, 2009.

  1. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    Fallout: New Vegas Announced

    A whole new game is on the way.

    April 20, 2009 - Bethesda has announced a new entrant into the Fallout franchise, subtitled New Vegas. Details are slim at the moment as Bethesda is remaining tight-lipped, but a few bits of information were provided. The game is being developed by Obsidian Entertainment and is due out sometime in 2010 for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC. The game is not a direct sequel to Fallout 3, though it is an RPG and Bethesda has said that you can expect the "same type of game," despite the fact that a different developer is working on it.

    Bethesda did not go into specifics on gameplay or what engine would be used, but a spokesperson did mention that you can "make educated guesses" on those matters. While we're in the guessing mood, we're guessing the game will be set in a post-apocalyptic Las Vegas. IGN has been told we can expect a full reveal when Obsidian is ready to show it.

    Obsidian Entertainment was founded by members of Interplay's Black Isle Studio -- the group that worked on the original Fallout games -- after it was disbanded. Bethesda has said it approached Obsidian regarding this project and an agreement was quickly reached.

    Source: IGN: Fallout: New Vegas Announced
  2. abandoned heretic

    Senior Member

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    i hope they redo the combat it ruined the game in my oppinion the enemies were either to scattered or to concentrated you could wander around for several minutes and only come across one enemy yet if you went to a city people were eveywhere and there not technically enemies it was a vey overated game the new makers will hopefully fix this but i doubt it
  3. Sarge525

    Sarge525 Ancient
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    I take it you were a Fallout 1 and 2 fan? ...Figured. The fact is that Fallout 3 was a great game and was recognized as so by the multiple awards and sales that it recieved. If your complaint is enemy concentration, that is because: when is the last time the country side was swarmed with enemies...? Never. They are concentrated in sensible locations such as buildings, pools, and roadways, and can be found in small amounts wandering about. If this is your only argument as to why you didn't like Fallout 3, then any statement you make hence forth I will solely ignore as ignorance. Oh, and how the hell is VATS bad?

    On to the Game:
    New Vegas could be good, considering how a couple members from Black Isle will be working on it. Though they (Obsidian) did fail with KOTOR 2 (wasn't near as good as the first).

    PS - Fallout the IP is not being handed off to Obsidian, it is merely a spin-off that they are making. The numbered series will continue to be made by Bethesda, thankfully.
    #3 Sarge525, Apr 20, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2009
  4. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Loved fallout 3 and if this is anything better than a improvement I'm sold.
  5. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    Okay, although this sounds awesome, did it just say Bethesda is making it? WHy may i ask? Well, with that out of the way, i am really looking forward t this. Sounds like a very interesting setting. Hard to get hyped because its not for another year or more.

    Hopefully, the reason Bethesda isn't making this is because they are working on another Elder Scrolls. I would love that.
  6. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    So you're problem was that outside of the city there weren't many people but inside the city there were? Fancy that eh! More people inside a city and less people in the countryside?! Madness! Bethesda obviously had no understanding of demographics!

    Anyhoo it's cool that some of the original Fallout guys are working on something. I just don't like knowing so damn early, I mean now I know I have to wait like 2 years for it! I'd rather not know at all until a year down the line when I wouldn't have to wait so long. Ignorance is bliss ><
  7. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Tenpenny... (I played this a lot before)

    2010 isn't too far away, it's a year and probably a few months, it wasn't as painful as waiting for halo 2 or 3.
  8. abandoned heretic

    Senior Member

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    ok let me reword what was bad about fallout 3 i understand its realistic for enemies to be concentrated in cetain areas but makes it very tedious and boring to walk around while were talking about realism why cant you kill children or how come you can shoot an enemy with a rocket llauncher and they live or how bout this theres random invisible walls that stop you because they were to lazy to make a barrier not to mention the story is terrible and unoriginal a city was destroyed by a nuclear weapon so some dumbassdecides its a good idea to go into the city with the radiation and for some reason you can get scifi weapons and i was never a fallout fan
    and buddhacrane try waiting for a game that was announced e3 2006 anc comes out late next year to early 2011 im talking about final fantasy xiii
  9. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    1. You have a sick mind if you find the lack of the ability to kill children a negative. Thats illegal in gaming.

    2. Its a ****ING VIDEO GAME YOU IDIOT! Its a sci-fi game, why in gods name would it be realistic. You cry about games being unrealistic while you love FF. lol
  10. mavrick145

    mavrick145 Ancient
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    WOW you Dumb-ass! it's set in a seperate future(shows that you're not a good listener, when you first start the game up it tells you this) this future has robots and lasers obviously, and BTW the radiation dosn't affect the people that much because of the suits they were. He isn't just randomly walking around the city, he starts out looking for his dad and, if you do ANY side quests at all, he wants to help the people of the wastes(just like in fallout 1 & 2)
    wow, so what that theres an invisible barrier, alot of games do that, time splitters, animalcrossing, Halo 3, call of duty 3,4,5, gears of war 1 & 2,etc.
    obiously you wouldn't stay out of cities, there are big-ass monsters outside of the city (and in side, but not as many.) killing children in videogames i would say isn't a crime but it isn't widley accepted by many people (you can kill a little girl that is a ghost in TimeSplitters 3 and in other games (mentioning TS3 alot latley...)
    feed off this for a while, you jackass.
    #10 mavrick145, Apr 21, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2009
  11. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    Uhmmm.... I was kind of hoping for a nice thread to discuss the new game and ideas about what could be in it. Not people yelling at others for opinions. However killing children in a video game is sick in the mind but still please focus on the thread for what it is. This is about the new Fallout game. Not Fallout 3.
  12. mavrick145

    mavrick145 Ancient
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    i think it'd be cool for the game to be in vegas. you could get a brand new variaty of weps. i have a new idea for a wepon, its a bomb filled with chips (cassino chips not the edible kind!)
  13. abandoned heretic

    Senior Member

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    if you would have paid attention to the previous posts dumbass you would have realised that i was talking to other people and that in my previous post i said that the game wasnt fun bacause of bad gameplay then people said that it was realistic and thats why it was made that way so i made another post explaining why that wasnt a reasonable answer and atated a couple other ways the game was a bad game so shut the **** up so and learn to read before you post you to maverick and you obviously contradicted yourself by saying im a bad listner because you didint read previous posts because if you did you would understand
    sorry i wasnt meaning to make this thread like this but there will always be some idiot who thinks his oppinion is more valuable then anothers i wasnt trying to start this people get to obsessed with this game iwasnt saying you should be able to kill children just using it to reinforce my point
    #13 abandoned heretic, Apr 21, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2009
  14. mavrick145

    mavrick145 Ancient
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    i agree with you it's obiously not realistic, but i still think you should learn to spell. my name is listed right next to my post which is rihgt before yours. (i spelt my name wrong on purpose.)
  15. Sarge525

    Sarge525 Ancient
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    Ah, I see so your on the opposite end of the spectrum... rather than being a crazy fanboy of the originals you are just a person with bad taste. But the story is great, where do you get off thinking that a post apocolyptic world, that is trying to fight off a power hungry, illusion of a government, for the ultimate safety of a whole region is a bad story? Not only that but the atmosphere of the game is spot on, providing both an eerie deathly feeling and having staggering beauty as well. And there are very few areas where there are no enemies, and honestly if you didn't run into very many that is because you were avoiding them (the radar is there for a reason, not to mention the roadways). And you could of considered uping the difficulty to add to the number of enemies. Not to mention that the amount of enemies nearly doubles amongst the wastes once the Enclave move in. As far as realism, it is practicle in some cases, such as behavior of NPCs, but when it comes to gameplay realism is secondary to fun. And the fact is: if missle launchers killed everyone in a single hit, the game would be boring, and thankfully that isn't the case. As well, killing children is not permitted by the ESRB for a Mature game rating, that immediately bumps it to AO, and that is why no killing children. Not to mention you saying that you don't like the fallout series to begin with, leads me to wonder why you would even bother posting on this thread?

    BTW Final Fantasy is the most rehashed, crap story in all of RPGs so why on earth would you even consider complaining about Fallout's story?

    Fallout New Vegas:
    This game is going to incorporate the gameplay aspects of Fallout 3, but its creative directive is being handled soley by the Obsidian crew. And for those of you who don't already know, Obsidian is a developer formed by former members of Black Isle, which made the original Fallouts. So this could end up being a great game. But as I have previously stated, Obsidian has messed up on some other IPs that they have been handed by other developers (KOTOR).
    One can only hope.
    #15 Sarge525, Apr 23, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2009
  16. abandoned heretic

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    thr gameplay part might just be that i suck but i really wasnt a fan of the little bit of the story i saw wasnt enough to keep me in it and its just my oppinion so noone else spamme about my oppinio of this game please
  17. mavrick145

    mavrick145 Ancient
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    yes, please. i'm kinda sick of all the arguing.

    Fallout:New Vegas
    1.sounds awsome
    2. will most likley be awsome
    3.it's nice to move the location of the game a few times (west coast, east coast, Pittsburg, Anchorage(Alaska))

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