What up fellas. Just made this map called Pondera. It is a balanced, symmetrical map that is good for team games. There is a lot of open space for plenty of BR action. I based this map a little off The Pit and Construct, because they are my favorite maps. There is a tunnel in the middle which holds a rocket launcher, and a ramp on one side for the cloak, to even it out. It is a really competitive map with plenty of strategy and I hope you guys check it out. Weapons: 4 Br's on each base 1 Rocket Launcher in the middle 2 Needler's, one on each side Powerups: 1 Cloak Best with: 4v4 team slayer ctf team doubles assault also good with all other gametypes, but best with those four. GET IT HERE! Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details blue base walking into tunnel center tunnel center, rocket launcher ramp with cloak blue base, identical to red base open side aerial view of red and blue bases view from cloak to base, notice cover another view of blue base, small ledge is for the bomb and the bigger ledge behind it is where the flag goes (you have to jump and throw the flag and then jump up again to get to the top to score the flag, very strategic) THATS ALL AND I HOPE YOU LIKE IT!
Your pic arnt working, you need to embed them to do that go to this website http://www.haloscreenshots.net type in your gametag find the pic you want copy the URL for forgehub and paste it in you description <EDIT> sorry put the wrong address try now
Could you maybe get an aerial shot for us so that we can see how all these areas are in relation to eachother and kind of see how its mapped out better? It's got some potential, really good forging. What stood out to me was the Small Corner pieces put together to make that bevelled platform, very nice.
There you guys go, added more pictures including aerial view! I just played with some guys and they said they loved it, they really liked the br battles because of how open it is. They also said that the pictures don't really do it justice so I think you guys should download it and check it out! Special thanks to: newidea t rquared piky558 buba7765 thanks for testing it with me guys!
I cant decide what i think of this map, the pics dont make me want to dowload it... sorry but i think u need to get a pic that shows the WHOLE map from above, rather than sections, so we can see wat it really looks like.
see the thing about that is, I cant get high enough in the Crypt to show the whole map, even in the hole thing.( it obstructs the view) So all I can say to you and all the other people who might be debating is this : download this map and play 2v2 or 3v3 or 4v4....You will not be dissapointed! It is very smooth gameplay and you have nothing to lose except 5 mins of your time, I just need feedback from someone who has downloaded and played this map! Thanks guys...
yeah i get ya point..i had the same trouble wen screen shotting my map, lol bungie shudve thought about that before they made it so small XD. ill give it a download n see wat i think, then get bk to ya hopefully.
yea thats all I really ask for is for you to download the map and check it out. I still am interested in haveing a team slayer 4v4 on this. Have not had that many people on it, highest was 3v3 which was really fun. If anyone is interested let me know your gamertags...
I downloaded and checked it out (haven't played on it yet), and the map has a really good layout. I like both the rocket and invisable spawns. You should clean it up a bit though, get the walls to join up and clean up the edges. overall i like it. Would make some awsome team doubles! You should check out the resources available on this site. They have a forgeing 101 area. That would show you how to "merge" your items together where needed. Its helped me alot!
well ive played on it, and i have to say i was quite dissapointed...reasons being: After around 2-3 minutes i became bored of spawning and being killed almost straight away, and having no cover to hide behind when spawning along the walls. Also, the walls are badly put together and have ridges and large bumps in them causing u to bounce off them. i dont mean to sound offensive or anything like that, im just trying to give some constructive criticism i think the overall idea is fairly good, but its needs tweaking a bit IMO.
Hey guys thanks for all the suggestions and compliments, I am currently working on Pondera V2 for those of you who like good br action. I am taking into consideration everything you guys suggested and I am currently rebuilding most of the map, but keeping the three side, the essence of it. I am upgrading the rocket location to look cooler, fixing all the cracks in the walls and making everything work and look smoother. This map will be coming out very soon so keep an eye out!!