I saw these videos a long time ago entitled Castle and remembered them recently. I want to remake the biggest scene in the series on Halo 3. Watch the 2 videos before I explain myself. Here are the links. Castle Video 1 Castle Video 2 Okay, so now that you have seen the videos, I will explain how I will go about this maps creation. You start out by grabbing a custom powerup (the artifact) that releases the zombies. You then have to run across the bridge where banshees (the gargoyles) will try to ram you off and you fall o your death or are splattered. Then, you will run down a long hall to to a flight of stairs going down, a turn and the going up. You will run out of this room to get into hornets and to fly into the VIP location a good distance into the air. A tall wall will have zombies jumping off to hijack you from your hornet. It will be a VIP gametype similar to that of Cave Freaks except that you'll only need to get to the one checkpoint at the end. There will be 1 round, and the defending team will consist of 4 people: The General, Beecher, Boomer, and Lloyd. At the start you choose from a mauler (the general) a sword (Lloyd) a Sniper (Beecher) and a shotgun (Boomer). Everyone will run slightly faster than normal and the attackers (zombies) will have a good jump. You will need to escort The General (or whoever is VIP) to the hornet and fly to the VIP go to point. I would also like to know you guys opinion on what the bridge should be made of. I first thought to use pallets, but I was against that idea because they could be destroyed. I then thought to use radio antennas, and they can be smashed down. That would recreate the bridge being broken. To make the gargoyle Zombies come out of the wall at the right time would involve a switch to get into that hall. I would make the entrance slim and you would break the pallet which would be holding up a fusion coil that would fall into a man cannon exploding it creating a trail of explosions to blow up the pallet that is holding the wingless gargoyles in. Now you might say "How will you make the gargoyles stronger?". I plan to put overshields and a hammer a little way down the path so that when they come out of the wall, they are stronger than the normal zombies. I have no idea how I will make the invisible arms in the next room. The spiral staircase will also be a challenge. When they get outside, they have to rush to the passenger hornets, and they won't just be able to flyaway, they have to have people on the side to stop the incoming zombies that are attempting to hijack you off the hornet or to hijack the driver. Then they fly upward to the above VIP go to point and win. I would appreiciate an questions or suggestions.
That would be a good idea, but kind of impratical on some parts. How would the banshees have to wait before getting released? The custom powerup switch could be done, but then again how would you enforce the banshee zombies not getting out, or the humans not to hijack them?
What I would do to keep the banshee zombies from being released would be to make them walk a long path of tube pieces and then make them get into their banshees right about the time the people got out of the mainroom. I also started the map, but I am not satisfied with it and it will be deleted. I will have honor rules to keep humans from jacking the banshees and to keep the banshees from shooting. If anyone has a suggestion on making the custom powerup door from the middle I would love to know. Also, I knew you would reply to this A Hobo. A Hobo, I actually invite you to join me in the creation of this map. After seeing all of your ideas and suggestions in Master Debaytor and Rival Masses **** Zombie I believe we could be parteners in this and make it beautifully.