The thing is with forge hub is that it is to help forgers to make the next amazing map or to get a great map noticed. It is to teach and help. I wish they had made forgeing in sandbox even easyer with instead of a S&Q you press a button and it stays. That way those bad maps would be not as many and it would incredibly increase straightness. That is a bungie thing but that way there would be less bad maps (I'd hope). The FACT is that people will always mess up in posting or submit bad maps (or both). By the way has anyone had to play their friends bad maps? Mine have never heard the word interlock or geomerge. There maps are unbalanced and dull. I was just wondering if anyone else had the same problem?
yea alot of my friends don't know about interlocking and geomerging till i told them, but iv seen some great maps with no anything just great placements and stacking of objects.
I mean it's possible just look at this: and there's no interlocking (from what I can see) on this 5 star map. But I'm talking about the noobs (people, noobs are people too) who knew that they wouldn't be able to do their map any where except sandbox. I mean so many noobs are just posting the same generic crap. It fills up the forums like crazy while you have people who have waaay better maps that aren't on sandbox not even being seen.
Which is what exactly...? Nevermind I got it. I'm not saying that. I'm tired of unoriginality is all.
Here's the seniority card. Usually, it's a member who had joined sometime in 2008. Notably, anything after March. They'll say "when i joined, we didn't have so much spam and we had better maps, and blahblahblah the site was better." Which is funny, because people from that same timeframe were complaining about how everyone that joined before them were stereotypical towards them for causing the degradation of the site. And here we are, doing it again. It's like a cycle. A cycle of dumbasses. See, the newbies join, and the dumbasses of the time harass them for sucking. The newbies, in turn, cry about elitism. A few months later, the old dumbasses get bored and move on. The newbies of the time then become the dumbasses. Then these new dumbasses think that they're automatically cooler because they were here slightly longer than others. Then new newbies join. Cycle. Of. Dumbasses.
And those of us who've seen the cycle know just how to stay out of it ... Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in! <_< No, but the cycle is definitely something that happens on larger internet forums, and if you've been in your share of forums, you know just how to avoid it. The longer you stick around in a given place, the more apparent it becomes. It won't always take the same form, but Nemi is very right in what it looks like on ForgeHub. Granted, the larger the forum becomes, the less likely you are to encounter helpful members among its ranks, so as ForgeHub grows, the more vicious it's bound to become in terms of "spammers" vs. quality posters with every round of the cycle. It's a problem not with the site, it's a problem with the internet, and good luck trying to solve that. If you can get 4chan to become an organized, legitimate internet forum, then I'll believe the problem can actually be solved. While spam posts are annoying and tedious, they're a part of forum life.
This whole thing is really pissin me off too. When I first found out about this site, which was around the end of last year( I know you see that I only joined in Jan but I was lurking around as a guest for a month or so) and the community was nice and peaceful and the people that were active on the forums were the same group of nice senior, regular and junior members, and the community was SO much less chaotic. I mean, there were like 6-7 maps posted a day and each got a fair amount of attention. Somehow, since the mythic map pack as released, the community has been completely overrun by wave after wave of noobs. In fact, when I bookmarked a map and checked up on it 6 hours later, It was pushed back to the 3rd or 4th page! Whats worse is that the new members that come to post their picture-less ,description-void maps almost never stay active on the site. They just come here, give us a link to their file share and give a description like:" this map is good. my frinds say itz fun to pleyz. plz go to my file shar and download it cuz idk how to make da link to mai map. my gt is superlolninja2468" Well, its not really that bad but its somewhere along those lines be it the crappy spelling or no link or pictures. I just hope this hype about sandbox ends soon if not I might not post my map until the noobs are gone.
I made a preety good map and I worked hard on it and it has great gameplay and it went to the bottom of the third page in 45 minutes. I also viewed the maps above it and 12 of them didn't meet the standards! I was so angry. I agree that somehow the spam must be stopped.
Ya, unfortunatly some *good* new forgers that have taken the time to read the rules here and that take there time and try and do things properly take the biggest hit here. Someone see's you are a newer member, they skip right past it because of the said spam. i agree it will probably die down in a month or so.
THIS is the actual "problem", not the noob maps. Like others said before, everyone has a right to post their shitty map. The real problem is all the new members and/or other members, DYING for attention and wanting to kiss everyones ass so they can look good on this site. So every shitty thread that springs up, they all swarm on it to tell the person they are wrong and link them to the guidelines. I think if we want to make a change in the way it works, we need to just stop replying to improper posts. Literally, ZERO replies. Let it fall off the page until it gets fixed. More good maps will stay on page 1 then.
Didn't I already post my concerns about this...? Oh well, but yeah this is a problem. Maybe they should consider having a popup that shows how many pictures are incorporated in the first post of each thread; would be a quick way to know how in depth the post is.
Is there a thread of guild approved and tested maps? That might be a decent idea. I've done a ton of maps but haven't had the nerve to put any of them up yet.
This is the way to do it. No more "help" from regular members. If a map isn't up to posting standards, report it and let the mods lock it if it doesn't get fixed by the author in due course. If people don't want to read the rules and not pay attention, they shouldn't get their thread bumped constantly over people who put time and effort into their posts. Other forge forums seem to manage this quite well, we shouldn't be having this problem.
And beside that, 90% of them don't even link the OP to a tutorial. They just say something like: "Pics, you need 'em", which is absolutely no help to the OP. Amen. Of course, other forge forums don't have nearly as much of a problem with people not posting their map up to standards.
ypu pbviously didnt click on the link he showed us in his post, there was a very retarded map post that didnt even have pictures
We need to get it known throughout the entire forum that we will start not posting on threads that arent posted right, how should we do that?