
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by DTThouma, Apr 21, 2009.

  1. DTThouma

    DTThouma Ancient
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    Download Goosing

    Download LAZER!CAUTION!


    This is my first infection map I am posting.

    This map is basically lazering humans on the mid section on the map before time runs out while on three platforms in the sky bubble. This is just a ride and survive, not a hardcore infection game. 4-16 Players.

    The humans can pick either a mongoose or a ghost (if available nearby). Drive through grav lifts and man cannons, bounce off of shield doors, and jumping off ramps to dodge the lazer. Also 3 overshields are spread across the map to survive a scratch of the deadly lazer. The humans are equipped with a brute shot and a random weapon(just for fun) and regenerating gernades.

    There is only one zombie up in the sky bubble to kill the humans. Zombies can pick up a sentinal beam to do a rapid damage to the humans (if you can aim *ha ha ha* nevermind). If a human decides to hide behind a block, at the back of the platform is a two-way node that teleports you to two different platform, so you can kill that little camper.

    Sorry I forgot to turn off the FX before taking screenshots


    Flat view looking at blue arch

    Overshield 1

    Overshield 2

    Overshield 3

    Zombie Spawn

    Lazer and Sentinal Beam

    The arrows and circles show you wear the nodes will take and the location of the platforms

    Action Shots

    Not Close Enough

    The Brute Shot may come in handy

    "OMGWTFBBQ! Hammer of Dawn!"

    The Fusion Coils can be your greatest ally or enemy, either changing direction or either killing you or blast your a** out of boundary.

    Direct Hit
    Greatest moments:
    One of my friend gone crazy and started splattering other players

    While aimlessly driving, he got blown off my fusion coils

    Flying way out of the boundry...

    and he payed the price

    Download Goosing

    Download LAZER!CAUTION!
  2. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Well...The idea is cool, but its way to easy to get lazered...I mean one game would end in less then like 30 seconds... Maybe more cover...I already made a map were there is a zombie hat must lazer though... >:| but its alright. I like how you made it that you cant camp under stuff...But its not a download for me, i know its not hardcore infection, but its not my style. If you ever get around to a V2 trying merging, is there any on this one?
  3. AItius

    AItius Ancient
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    Wow, this looks like a really fun gametype. There have been a lot of these "ant" gametypes, where the zombie trys to kill the humans on the ground, but this one looks like a great new twist on that idea. I like how you created objects that can work for both sides, and made it a tiny bit easier for the humans than most of these other gametypes due to the interesting structures and overshield placement.

    EDIT: Lol, I read the above post, and it seems we have conflicting ideas. I dunno, it seems like it wouldn't be to hard, but I'll have to test it out.
  4. mercilesstheif

    mercilesstheif Ancient
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    seems like a pretty original gametype to me and could be fun, but the structures might get really annoying, and the spartan lazar would be waaayyy to hard to dodge

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