Sandbox Pyramid Ruins

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by iTzSilverandrew, Apr 17, 2009.

  1. iTzSilverandrew

    iTzSilverandrew Ancient
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    Im new to forgehub but ive been forgin for a while, i guess im decent at it.
    Author: iTzSilverandrew
    Supported Gametypes: Slayer/CTF/KotH/Zombies
    Recommended Gametypes: Team Slayer/CTF
    Recommended Players: 6-12
    Time Taken To Complete: Few days

    Map Title: Pyramid Ruins
    A big pyramid :)
    A fully playable pyramid map, you can venture inside and out. Three levels on the inside. Watch out for the Death Pit, if you fall into it you will fall through into the kill ball.
    6-12 Players, Best with two teams. Plays Slayer CTF/KOTH.
    Both bases have 2 mongooses and 1 chopper each. The third level houses a maze like area with a death pit(Over shield spawns directly above it) and shotgun spawns. The top of the pyramid is accesible by grav lift and houses a hammer spawn.
    The spawns might need some tweaking, im not all that great with spawns/spawn areas.
    I also ran out of money while building so had to tweak some areas.
    Download Map
    #1 iTzSilverandrew, Apr 17, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2009
  2. Mr Glove Eater

    Mr Glove Eater Ancient
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    LOVE PYRAMIDS! lol it's hollow too. beautiful. i'ma dowload, but it looks a bit too crowded for 16 players tho...
  3. iTzSilverandrew

    iTzSilverandrew Ancient
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    yea itll be crowded for 16 ppl i changed it to 12 lol thanks
  4. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Aesthetic wise, very nice. The inside looks beautiful and very similar to what the ruins of a pyramid should be. Probably would've given a better effect if the bridges were made out of stone. Right now, it looks a bit like an excavation site. Not sure why you would want a chopper, couldn't you just round around wildly and not get killed in infection? You should have taken a picture of the pit of death, but not a bad map in the short term. Gameplay wise, I'm still unsure of because you didn't give us very much to work with.

  5. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    a lot of people in forge hub have made these kind of maps.
    your version is pretty good. i think you should get rid of the rocket-launcher due to its overpowerness (unless it has no clip) but then again maybe thats an easy way to take down that pesky chopper.
    your outside of the pyramid looks fantastic.
    i can also see this working on infection if you have the guardians blocked (which i assume you do) id like to see some more pics tho.... like of where you enter and once again: a pic or 2 of the pic of death... but i can guess what it is (the hole to crypt unblocked with teleporters at the bottom or something like that?)

    overall good map 4/5 right now. add some more pics and i will make me a final decision
  6. Kevinth3Killer

    Kevinth3Killer Ancient
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  7. iTzSilverandrew

    iTzSilverandrew Ancient
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    I have floors, the third level is a sorta maze and you have multiple ways to the top, where the grav lift spawns to get the Grav hammer. (was gona put a sword)

    Put new pics up also, forgot em earlier.
    Thanks for the feedback guys.
  8. Packnight501

    Packnight501 Ancient
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    This looks interesting. Is there anything else on the map besides the pyramid? Like others have said, it looks a bit crowded for 16 people. (Then again, thats coming from someone who throws 16 people on little platforms in skybox... =P [see Skywars]) I'd re-organize the middle and maybe throw in a smaller attacking structure for one-sided objective gameplay. Looks great for slayer though.
    #8 Packnight501, Apr 18, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2009
  9. iTzSilverandrew

    iTzSilverandrew Ancient
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    It has 2 mongooses and 1 chopper for each base for a quick assult on each side. I'll upload a pic of the entrances/start spawns now.
  10. Hazza412

    Hazza412 Ancient
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    It has to be said, that this is the best looking playable pyramid I've seen on Forgehub up to now, so well done on that =)
    Now, onto the review-

    It looks brilliant, as I've already mentioned, very neat, and it looks as if you've taken time to make sure the flow of the map is as smooth as possible. (An example would be of that plank merged into the wall in picture 3, next to the rocket spawn, and the only thing I think you might want to think about merging, are the watchtowers (The ones connected to ramps.) into the side of the pyramid, but, aside from that, it looks perfect.

    I think my favourite piece of this map would have to be the tunnel leading into the tunnel leading into the crypt, (Lol, confusing sentence - try saying that 5 times as fast xD) It just looks awesome, with the curved walls leading to the fall - gives it a good effect.

    The only problem is with this review, I'm not going to be able to give a gameplay review, as I'm currently on holiday, and I don't have my xbox with me, however, when I get back, I'll be sure to download and give it a go. =]

    5/5 Well done, Can't wait to see more maps from you.
  11. iTzSilverandrew

    iTzSilverandrew Ancient
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    Thanks :) This is actually the second pyramid i made, the first one was smaller and It didn't exactly meet my expectations so I rebuilt it bigger and badder :p
    I have another map I will be posting soon.
  12. iTzSilverandrew

    iTzSilverandrew Ancient
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  13. d 4 1

    d 4 1 Ancient
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    Your map is very neatly placed, but I suggest you interlock the ramps for a slightly smoother surface. Interesting idea in the death pit.

    Come forge with me sometime. ;)

    BTW sweet Goosetage. Made mess everywhere.
    #13 d 4 1, Apr 19, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2009
  14. Apple s4uc3

    Apple s4uc3 Ancient
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    This looks like a nice map but to small and there should not be a chopper that looks like it ruined it but great idea.
  15. iTzSilverandrew

    iTzSilverandrew Ancient
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    It's not small, the chopper is for patroling the outside if you wish, I just wanted to have vehicles on the map.
    Thanks though.
  16. philly100000

    philly100000 Ancient
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    you need some pics of whats down in the crypt
  17. iTzSilverandrew

    iTzSilverandrew Ancient
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    It's a death pit, a kill ball is down there :p
  18. Cannon Fodder

    Cannon Fodder Ancient
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    really inventive, I like the multi level thing.

    I've been waiting for someone to make a good death pit with the kill ball

    great map 5/5
  19. iTzSilverandrew

    iTzSilverandrew Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks :)

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