Abusing ForgeHub

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by AceOfSpades, Apr 20, 2009.

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  1. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    When I joined this site back in December, I loved it. Most people were very helpful and provided very good feedback for your map/screenshot etc. Now... not so much.

    Here is the average post from someone regarding a map posted in December, 2008:


    On another note, the maps themselves (you knew this was coming).

    This is the typical design of a majority of the Sandbox Skybubble maps I have seen in the Competitive Maps Forum:


    Really? Again, way to use your brain and think of something original.

    Gameplay on this kind of map will be very boring and repetitive. There is no risk vs. reward (only risk), a single LOS, and nothing that would want me to kepp playing. If I was ever caught playing something like this, I would quit out within seconds. Might as well not waste my life playing a map that has been made 1000 times before.

    Now, if you're going to make a map like the layout described above, at least forge it nicely.

    We all know about how walls do not lay flat on the grid of the Skybubble. You'd think that would make people shy away from using walls as their floors, right? Wrong.

    90% of the Skybubble maps I have seen use walls as their floors. Who wants to play on a map where the floor is like this?

    You will be hopped up every time you go across that walkway and that will never help gameplay. It screws up your aim and can stop grenades from getting where you want them to.
    I have found that a nice alternative to using walls as floors are 'Block, Tall' and 'Block, Huge.' They are half the height of a box when laid on their sides and do not screw up after you save and quit.

    And what happened to the standards we had set for Foundry? For a Foundry to map to be accepted by most members of the community, almost everything would have to be interlocked/geomerged. Why not for Sandbox too?
    In my opinion, a non-interlocked map looks sloppy and it makes me think that the map-maker did not spend the necessary time and effort to create a decent-quality map.


    Overall, what I am trying to say with this is, don't abuse ForgeHub (hence the thread title). It is not a playground where you can do whatever the hell you want. We have rules (hence the link at the top of the page everywhere you go) and standards that are expected to be met and followed. If these rules and standards continue to be abused, I think ForgeHub will never be able to recover to the state it was a while ago.


    And I could say more but I am tight on time... may edit later with more.
    #1 AceOfSpades, Apr 20, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2009
  2. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    You might want to edit those quotes if you wish them to remain anonymous, as they are you can click the red dot next to them to see the original.

    As for the actual content of the post, I agree with it, but can offer no solutions so I don't have much to say.
    #2 Ladnil, Apr 20, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2009
  3. theheat

    theheat Ancient
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    Honestly, I know its been said a million times, and you've heard it a million times, and its the last think you want to hear but wait it out. When I first joined in July(?) I visited the site routinely for a month, got bored and left. 90% of these people posting new maps will do the same things, they're also the same people replying not up to standards. This site wouldn't have any of it's current senior members if it wasn't for the sub-forums like, Halo Discussion, Halo Forge Discussion, General Chat, Off Topic (hate to say it), Debates, or Screenshots/CnC. All these new members spend all their time in the Halo Forge Maps section of these forums and that gets boring and more boring, until they quit.
  4. Soren515

    Soren515 Ancient
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    This is kinda why I don't really post here anymore. I decided to make my maps exclusive to another website because the feedback here is sub par by anyones standerds. If it isnt made by a colored name or if it doesnt have a massive amount of pictures that show interlocking and geomerging then it is just a comment like "needs to be more neat 4.5 out of 5"

    *I honestly don't care if you delete this post or give me an infraction*
    #4 Soren515, Apr 20, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2009
  5. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    just ignore those comments and pay attention to the good ones. its not that hard.
    and even in december, most posts were spammy. you should have been here in the good old days. i barely caught the tail end of them, back in last june. even then, there was a fairly good amount of spamz.
    #5 Wood Wonk, Apr 20, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2009
  6. Soren515

    Soren515 Ancient
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    Its hard when there are two good ones on a 4 page post. Other wise it is just fighting or "nice interlockz 5/5"
  7. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    There really should be a rule against those sorts of comments, because one sentence that says "make it neater and moar geomergz" doesn't really address the problems and concerns that user might have with the map.

    People also need to learn how to rate maps better as well. I have literally seen a post like this:

    Really? You can't find anything wrong with it, but you subtracted .1 points for no reason anyway?
    #7 The Cheat, Apr 20, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2009
  8. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    Something that I noticed is that once Shock posted the "Status Quo" news post from back in August, posts became more detailed, thought out and longer than a sentence; normally a paragraph at the least! Sure, there were still spammers, and I see a decent amount of spam posts that should probably be infracted, but should you really be infracted if you are unaware? But as time progressed, the Status Quo was forgotten or to others, unaware and posts have made a large decline of standards, length and depth. There isn't really a solution to this, only short term "bandaids" to place on a larger problem than they can handle. Hopefully, Forgehub will pick itself out of this rut.
  9. Soren515

    Soren515 Ancient
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    It is a HUGE rut in my opinion.
  10. Kitten X

    Kitten X Ancient
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    Many people have been noticing this lately. Unfortunately, thanks to Bungie's many Forge Hub features, there are way too many thoughtless, imature individuals on Forge Hub to revert to the early days of this website.

    I have noticed, however, that these individuals we speak of, do not remain active for a long period of time. And with luck, Bungie will not make any more major Forge Hub features on their site; therefore, we will not get another wave of these dipshits on Forge Hub. In time this website may calm down.
  11. STWOW

    STWOW Ancient
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    It is not only because of the release of sandbox and the rush of new members, but also from the rush of new members from Bungie.net becuase of forgehubs increased popularity and appearance on the Blog.

    PS: Bungie.net forums have lots of noobs
  12. Soren515

    Soren515 Ancient
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    If ForgeHub gets any attention from Bungie (bungie favs,cosmic rick interview,humpday) The entire website goes to ****. Shouldn't there be a system to stop this?
  13. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Well in all honesty Bungie forums is how i found this site, but that was in like November last year? i think. You really don't have to worry about crap responses because there are those of us who will respond with constructive and helpful critisism.
  14. Star iz Legiit

    Star iz Legiit Ancient
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    All these posts do is cause trouble one way or another. And I am a senior member and I didn't spam the forums. But, I think that if you do one spam posts, it should be recorded by the staff and after you get so many, you can not acheive the goal of a colored name, than the people that post spam, would leave the site and help it become better in the longrun .
  15. Soren515

    Soren515 Ancient
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    That is how I found it to. During the first time FH got featured. I kinda lurked until I learned how to make educated posts and now I am more active.

    Not everyones goal is to have a colored name. How would that stop people from spamming. Most people are here for the community aspecct. Why would someone care about being differnet on a Halo 3 fansite?
    #15 Soren515, Apr 20, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2009
  16. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    It is really to be expected. As long as there are rules, there wil be rule breakers. You can't really do anything about it other than help them improve. Also, you should try to give the best reviews that you can to be a good role model.

    Old problem is old.
  17. Silva Sniper

    Silva Sniper Ancient
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    All I could say is that this is not totally true.Yeah they make mistakes,but they make up for them,or they recieve a nasty infraction to teach them a lesson.But on the other hand,or foot,peope have been shortening their posts for some reason...lazyness is my guess.But then again,I was only here for two three dang months,but guess what.I learned the rules and got over it either way you are not making the best of truthful statements here.
  18. Kitten X

    Kitten X Ancient
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    I am proud to say that I discoved Forge Hub when I was trying to learn forging techniques through Google. Forge Hub actually lead me to being moderately active on Bungie.net.
  19. AIS Student

    AIS Student Ancient
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    AceOfSpades0707, I have the same opinion as you do. Some people on this site are just LAZY. Take the time to read a post, not just examine it. If you have opinions on the map, don't type "This map s****, you need to redo it." Play it for yourself, find problems, and if you find any, tell the author nicely. Also, people don't think before they say/do/act. People will go into the Mini-Game Forums and post stupid comments like "there's no interlocking", or "it looks really sloppy." If you want clean maps, go to Competitive Maps! Mini-Games are for fun, not to create absolutely perfect maps.
  20. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Why do y'all insist on playing on the seniority card?
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