Recommended 8 to 16 players A cops and Robbers map that is on sandbox Map of Sandcity Guide of the map 1 Palace 2 Rich Area 3 Market Area 4 Weapons Shops 5 Getting money 6 Jail 7 Villages 8 Overview of City 9 Laws 10 The King 1: The Palace The palace is where the cops spawn and get there supplies. List of cop vehicles and weapons Battle Rifles 1 Sniper Rifle Assault Rifles Hornet Warthog Ghost How to get back inside the palace step 1 the person inside the palace gets in the mongoose and drives it at the wall step 2 get out of the mongoose which will allow the guy outside to jump though the wall onto the mongoose. and he is in 2: The Rich Area The Rich Area has a fancy house and a fancy Bank which can be broken into with a large vehicle like a copper or warthog. The bank has money and a sniper rifle in it and the rich house just has money and a shotgun. 3: The Market Area The Market has a restaurant, a tent shop, a pre used magnum shop, and a drug den. On the other side is the poor homes and the church. 4: Weapon Shops The weapon shop idea came from Joen@thanishere from his map Rob city where you chuck a grenade ( Money ) in the hole and weapons come out. Rob City Map: 5: Getting Money Money is plasma grenades There are 2 ways to get money 1: Stealing it 2: Finding it in the mountains 6: Jail If you do a crime you go to jail which looks like this Once inside the jail you have to escape or kill yourself If you do escape your find yourself in the sewer hole and you are free 7: The Villages There are two villages outside the city 1 is a small harmless village and the other one has SMG's, Coppers, and sometimes gets a Banshee. 8: Overview Of City A overview of Sandcity 9: The Laws You don't have to use these laws if you don't want to The Code Of Laws 1 = get rid of all your money you have ( if you don't have money you go to jail ) 2 = go to jail 3 = Kill the criminal No stealing 2 No Killing 3 No Holding any illegal weapons 1 or 2 energy swords BR's rocket launchers gravity hammers spartan lasers Sniper Rifles No entering the palace, bank, and rich house 2 No drugs ( Needlers and Regenerators ) 1 No driving illegal vehicles 2 if an air vehicle 3 Warthog Hornet Banshee Ghost Coppers 10: The King This is an optional gametype The king has all power he commands the cops, sets laws, and party's. If the king dies a different cop must be elected to be king. If the citizens and robbers team gets a score of 8 they can demand a revolution which if a assassin kills the king both the teams must change teams the cops and king become the citizens and robbers and the robbers and citizens become the cops and king. Download here Map: : Halo 3 File Details Gametype: : Halo 3 File Details
it was only a matter of time untell cops and robbers came to But on topic, this map (by pics) seems a bit messy. Alot of objects that are uneven and the city it self seems a bit small. I my self am not a cops and robbers fan, but for those who are, you should make a v2 and get everything that you are missing and fix these probloms. 3/10
Yeah like the other guys said, the map looks really messy. You should fix up some of the walls and make it bigger. You have all of sandbox, use it. 2/5
I agree with the others, you seem to neglect the enitre crypt skybox and other half of the standard in plane is an attempt to use the hills... and it would seem more logical to have spaced out the map, from the pics it looks very crampt. Also, cops and robbers is a good game type until you start setting up rediculous law sets. I would hate explaining this to a full party, no one would get it! Also the jail seems way to easy to escape and bare... I would almost prefer walking around in the crypt than the city above... overall 3/5. Nice try, but try again.
very creative, but i think its lacking a better jail. making the robber rely on himslef to get out of jail isnt a good idea. maybe instead make the prisoner ask for help from his teammate. a few ways to do this would be to maybe have the teammate unblock a teleporter only by the use of a grav lift located very far like in the mountains.
I was trying to make this map, I was going to call it outlaw (look in sig) I will still make it but anyways Great map, could be more aesthetics though like more villages, that would be cool 4.5/5
I really love the idea of this game. Plasma grenades are money and the idea of the sewer hole to escape from jail is also very very creative. However I think the map for this could've been a bit bigger and a little neater. If you have read this I think that you should rethink the whole map. Make more weapon shops, have money harder to find and get. Do that and you will get more downloads probably.
haha i see you tryed to remake my original "Rob City" map into sandbox. ill have to say the map looks a little rushed in the making. on my first version i actually made a bank with a circular roof, and it looked beautiful, but it required too much to break into it, so i had to take that out, cool to see you put one in though. it would also be good if you could spread out the buildings because the buildings look a little bit cluttered. good try though. you should see my sandbox version once i get it though