Pre-DLC Jedi Training on The Lines

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Rifte, Apr 14, 2009.

  1. killbot a61

    killbot a61 Ancient
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    ive already seen a map like this by darkest warrior
    it was very similar but you wernt supposed to kill

    maybe you could put down weapons fir clone troopers?
  2. SNOO SNOO 4 U

    SNOO SNOO 4 U Ancient
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    This could be very interesting, downloading now, 5/5
  3. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    I can't find darkest warrior... Mind putting a link to his file share or his account plis?

    And, no, stormtroopers would get raped up the bum by the jedi, although that would be funny to watch.
  4. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    Here's my review for this map,

    Allthough map's have been made on this area before, like a boarding action remake. I still thought that this was a pretty original concept. The randomized teleporters were entertaining. Using the stickies from above were a blast (bad pun ftw) But since it was so much easier to throw a stickie in a line then slash someone twice, i got 70% of my kills with stickies, some of the equipment were unnecessary, ecspecially the power drainer. I loved jumping off and edge, then radar jamming up to kill someone. Speaking of witch, the radar was to big to be useful, Try turning it down to 25. My other comlaint was that it was to easy to commit suicide, you know that the place were the knob is on the spawn points are the dirrection you spawn, correct? Make them face forward ON the line instead of off it, i would spawn, take a step by instinct, then lose a point. Also remove the suicide penalty, it makes these games last forever.

    3 ninja move fails, out of 5
  5. AIS Student

    AIS Student Ancient
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    A fast-paced game on a map like Construct with its many small walkways. I would expect a lot of "You fell to your death" messages on your screen a lot. Sounds like a good way to have fun for the unluckier of Halo players without Sandbox. Nicely done! But because I have not played it yet, I'll give you a 9/10 for originality.
  6. killbot a61

    killbot a61 Ancient
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    #26 killbot a61, Apr 21, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2009

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