Counter-Strike remakes, anyone? List yours here! I tried to "remake" De_Dust on Sandtrap. Impossible tasks never really work out too well. I kinda remade a map whose name I cannot recall on The Pit, but that didn't really function that well either. But alas, we have been given Sandbox. Which means I have a few items on my list of things to Forge. There will undoubtedly be some De_Dust remakes made by the community, but I'm definitely going to put my own twist on them. Best thing is...the Sandbox them is the perfect setting to remake a De_Dust-esque map. It's perfect, and it's asking to be forged the hell out of. Fy_Buzzkill: Fy_Mindmaze was the absolute ****. One of the funnest maps I ever played. Can be easily remade on Sandbox, although it may have to be scaled back just a bit. Fy_Iceworld, do I have to say it? Fun map, easy remake. Super duper easy remake. Actually I bet Buzzkill and Iceworld could be contained nicely within the crypt, as they are played on a similar sized space. Playground_X was another super-fun map that wouldn't be too difficult to build a close remake of, save for the zip-line on the upper levels. I mean I could really go on and on, but I'll stop at Fy_Pool_Day. Super fun, super quick, tons of action. I just wish you could do more than make a mock "pool" out of energy shields... : ( Also, with any Fy maps a nice selection of weaponry can be layed out, mimicking the strategy options that the C-S style maps give you. Moral of the story: Bungie finally gave us the tools we need to re-make some C-S maps, and I'm super pumped about that. Now I just need some more free time and some more effing storage space!
Umm, I've never heard of those maps in my life. Yes, I know I just joined forgehub to introduce my amazing sauce forging skillz.. however I kind of get the feeling that, since the titles are incredibly, you may be advertising your own maps. If that's the case, you might want to post them in a thread that is a compilation of Sandbox Maps.
The maps he listed off were from a video game called counter-strike. One of the first heavyweight online computer FPS's.
I wouldn't mind helping a bit with de dust2, I've got CSS on my pc which is next to my xbox so that could provide useful. All I ever played were the zs, dust2, and aztec.
Ahh, Aztec. Another classic. That's going to be another one on the list of potential remakes. I can't promise that all of these maps are going to be made, at least not all of them by me, but they're really popular maps that I hope to see remade. Because if I remade all of those maps myself, or even with help, it would take a loooong time because I don't produce sloppy work. And I don't geomerge. I mean I can if I want to I suppose, I'd just rather do things the old fashioned way. And with the kickass budget and item limits of Sandbox, I'm not too worried about geomerging. I mean look at C-S maps, tons of straight lines and right angles. Surely there are plenty of folks out there who share a love of both games! I mean I'd love to make at least a few of these, but at the same time I would really love to see a one-click download of a few others. Hint hint ; ) Back to Buzzkill for me!
I would do a de_dust2 remake, but I am busy with my Forgotten Treasures map. Ironically, I would be the perfect person to remake this in forge: I remade it in another game as well! But if anyne does decide to remake it, do it in the skybubble, for two reasons: 1. If someone escapes the map, death. 2. The area of the lowest part of the map is only about 4-5 double walls, so you wouldn't be saving much budget building it on the ground level anyway. So if the lowest point on you map takes up a very small area, you should probably build it in the skybubble. Hope that helps with your other remakes.
OMG! I had the same idea! Back in during the summer I had the idea of making de_dust 2 from CS:S. People told me that it was kinda impossible to make on foundry, they was right. I haven't bought the mythic maps yet, I was thinking about making that my first sandbox map. I have detailed pictures and gameplay video of De_dust too... Do you need any help? Well, once I get the maps?
I mean, I'm sure that there will be a few people interested in making this happen. Maybe we should get a little group together and work collectively on a Dust variant. Unfortunately for me I'm online kinda inconsistently, mostly in the evenings though. I don't work when the weather's bad so here and there I get a free day. This will be a little work in progress anyway, so maybe we can pass the current build around from person to person as time goes by. Thoughts?
My map CS_Assault, link is in my sig. Version 3 will be out in a week or so, with hostage rescue objective and CS game mechanics. So yeah, not everyone hates CS here. I love it! And you seem to like too many FragYard maps. =P How about classic ones? *Gives self idea* AS_Oilrig on Sandbox!!! 5000 dollars to the forger who can do it. Taking the VIP alive from the bottom to the top of a giant oilrig in the skybubble would be the most epic map ever.
Those maps look perfect for Sandbox remakes, but sadly, I do not have Counter-Strike, and do not plan on purchasing it. However, I would love to see somebody make a remake of a Counter-Strike map. Just check out Google Images or something for Counter-Strike maps. Here is a layout of a specific map that looks like it could be remade. What's with the panda?
I did some editing to this image... and did a basic elevation layout with ramps outlined here it is I dont know if there will be enough items to do it to this scale... The red outlined boxes are where RAMP, LARGE(s) would be placed. That would allow a 'one box' increase to the elevation of the ground. The Bright tan represents 3 Boxes high to ground level. The Teal represents 2 Boxes high, and the Purple represents the one box high or "bottom level" to the players. Light blue and Blue grounds are where stairs elevates the players about the thickness of one or two walls.. (probeley one for idem preservation) I think this idea could actually work. If anyone is wanting to forge with me to try to create this gigantic map... please... it will take a lot of man hours... add me GT = tHeSoz3r Xfire = s0z3r OR JUST EMAIL ME!
That panda friggin' ROCKS! And sadly, it confirmed my fear that the classic Dust maps are just a little too large to be redone Halo style. I present two options: A. Slight modifications to current C-S maps to allow for easier forging, while hopefully still preserving the integrity of the maps. Basically, I'm talking about taking the low spots out of the map. This could very well mean that you could use the mid level of Sandbox, meaning you could possibly save even more items by using a dune or two. B. Find smaller maps that are more easliy re-made. What was the name of that one smaller Dust map, was it Dustbowl? My memory is a little foggy as I haven't rocked C-S in some time because my computer is on its death bed...But I know there's a Dust map out there that is much smaller than Dust or Dust2. My remake of Fy_Buzzkill is a little order to keep things nice and simple, well that means that my Halo rendition is going to be about 1.25-1.4ish times as big as the C-S version. It's pretty big. But it should still work. Speaking of Fy maps, the reason why I like them so much is their fast-action style, which is the same reason I love Halo. I mean I can only take so much deathcam, ya know? I think I have a mild case of ADHD. But truthfully, Fy maps are the only way to really give the players the illusion of weapon "choice" when it comes to Halo remakes of C-S maps. Since you can't buy weapons, you're pretty much going to have to lay out a weapon selection on any map remake you go with. I've done this in the past in two ways: A. I've put out every single type of weapon that Forge will allow, so that the concept of being able to choose from any weapon in the game is still there. B. I've also put out only human weapons, to give the map more of a C-S weapon selection kinda feel. No matter how you do it, you probably should lay out a decent selection unless you're remaking a symmetrical map. You may decide it's best to have a designated weapon layout on a map like Buzzkill. The choice is yours. Nice Cs_Assault remake Deadbringer, that looks awesome! And boy oh BOY do I want to remake Oilrig. I mean there's truly no way to do it...there's no way the budget would allow. But that's a damn fine idea. I think I might try and find a way to keep the spirit of Dust alive by creating a sort of spiritual successor, if you will, using the mid-level of Sandbox...death barrier and all. That could also save some budget... Yup, the outside of the map is going to be more or less wide open. There's a high side and a low side to the dunes, and the flat area is more rectangular than square unless you use those dunes as an extension of the map's playing surface, and that's exactly what I'll do. Sure, I mean you can fit a pretty big square in that circle. No doubt about it. I've gone and talked myself into it, dust-esque remake is going down! Just after I finish Buzzkill first...
I didn't say I hadn't seen any, I said I hadn't seen many. : P I have seen that version, and to be quite honest I'm not a big fan, even though it looks fairly accurate. It looks a little sloppy, and a little cramped though... Maybe it's the playspace...the crypt doesn't seem like the right place for a Dust map. Ehh that's just my two cents. I really wanna see things opened up in another version.
I haven't redone any maps from CS, but I've been tweaking an assault mode that would be the same as CS. I just have to get times and movement correct and accurate, which is proving more tricky than I first thought it would. As for the hostages game mode, I thought VIP with some nifty modifications and a sort of 'honor' rule of both teams, don't kill the bloody VIP (or perhaps cause killing the VIP to remove points from your team?) But at the same time, VIPs would have to be on the honor rule not to move unless escorted by Counter Terrorist team, which would likely not hold well.
Yeah, I hear you on that one. I have an Assault variant that I believe is as close as possible to C-S style for De maps. And single life rounds are easy as cake to set up for any Fy maps. Man I wish I could really get into forging right now, but it looks like I'm gonna have to wait for a rainy day or two before I can get any real map progression.
If my current Buzzkill build is indeed possible (looks a little on the iffy side), it looks like I will have time to finish her today. If it all goes according to plan, I will make it available this afternoon.
I just took a look at Buzzkill so I'd know what you talking about, keep in mind when building walls that you'll be playng it with High gravity settings (like Counter Strike) so walls don't have to be that high, just high enough so you can't jump them without grenade jumping or crouching.
That would be ideal, as far as being as true as possible to the physics of C-S. Unfortunately for me, I don't think I'm going to be able to do that with my current version. I honestly might even have to lower the gravity settings to allow the playspace to function more like it does in C-S. But that's only because the playspace I'm using (the crypt) is almost 1.5x bigger than the playspace that Fy_Buzzkill uses. Then again, it isn't that bad on normal gravity, and the mancannons are set up perfectly so I'm probably just going to leave it the way it is. Either way, my Fy gametype is going to be as true to the C-S concept as possible: every weapon in the game for the players to choose from. That way it will have a solid Halo feel to it. Call me a nerd. Seriously.
Buzzkill is finished! Link, screens, and details updated in the first post of the thread. Next project: Fy_Dustworld I can't really do Iceworld since we have a Dust setting with Sandbox, so Dustworld it is! Yeah yeah, I know I'm taking the easy way out with this one. It's going to take me about one quarter of the time it took me to make Buzzkill, which came in at a whopping 6-7 hours (I'm a slow forger). Might just whip it up real quick tonight. Then it's time to tackle a Mindmaze inspired map. Then what...ScoutsNKnivez anyone? It would have to be snipers and swords, and that map is so ****in' fun with low grav on. Sorry to all you guys who are up for remaking the classic maps, for some reason I'm not nearly as into getting those made as I am the Fy maps. Fy is right up my alley and I just can't get enough of arena style gameplay.