Well fellow forgers, I am a HUGE Counter Strike fan, and a HUGE Halo fan. I don't know how I should introduce this question, so here it is. I was wondering if someone could make a remake of ANY Counter Strike map made for a Team Swat game. Any map would be fine, I would reccomend CS_OFFICE because that seems like it would be the easiest, but CS_ASSAULT might be easy too. Here's what I would like to be done with the game types: -For a DE map, it would be good to have a 1 sided bomb assault gametype hybrid with Team Swat Damage and Weapons -For a CS map maybe a flag gametype of some sort mixed with Team Swat Sorry for the bad explaination of what I want and stuff, I'm really tired right now. But if you are interested in making a Counter Strike map remade for Halo, I would be MORE than happy to help out, to get it done faster..... If you would like to contact me add me on Xbox Live: poopiedeloopie NOTE: I wouldn't know where to begin as a Lead Designer for the map, so I need someone who is good enough to be the Lead Designer..... I don't need to be in the credits or anything, I just want this map to be completed. MAPS I RECCOMEND: --Cs_office (I really think this would be the easiest, and best for Team Swat, even if we have to cut out part of the map, it would work very well) --De_dust2 (This would be VERY difficult, but if done properly it would be VERY popular amoung the community, because it is the most well known Counter Strike map) --Cs_assault (This would be very fun, the map title explains it, its an assault on a large warehouse, very simple map that would work very well, the only issue would be if their are enough parts to make the huge warehouse and if their are any parts to make the vents) I think these would work the best, but if you have any suggestons, then shoot em at me. Please consider this if anyone who is good at forging, and would have a way of viewing these maps as a reference to make them --- If anyone at all is interested, I am willing to be lead designer as long as I have SOME help to make this happen! Im thinking of doing maybe a section of CS_OFFICE (Maybe mainhall, sidehall, and all the hostages, no outside or garage) Anyone have any ideas? Please don't double post. Remove this message at any time. -Klink
I don't think that SWAT like damage is the best, I think we need like 150 damage resistance w/ no shields
I would reccomend going to the bungie site, and seeing if counterstrike maps have been made, because CS was pretty popular, and im sure somone had to recreate one of those.
I haven't played Counter Strike but if you could give me an overhead layout of the map and pictures of the map, I could build it for you. I'm out of forging ideas myself, so this would be a good side project.
Yeah! You, Ed, and I can work on it, I will find an overhead picture real quick.... Here http://ivandelalande.free.fr/Ivan/map_css/overviews/cs_office.jpg Note: Top right corner's snow patch isn't accesible its just scenery you can see through the windows. I cant really find a good video touring office, so i will try to make one tomarrow and upload it to youtube, to give you the proportions and feel of the map
Damn I was going to offer to help but it seems you alredy have people. Plus I don't know the maps very well.
That is one very intricate map. It'll be difficult to forge, But I don't think its impossible. And I'm not sure Ed will be too much of a help when it comes to forging. He's good for feedback here and there, but he really doesn't have the attention span for it (ask him, lol). I'll be on tuesday if you want to start then.