This map was made as a multi-flad CTF map but can work as a 4v4 slayer map, or perhaps a team doubles map. Tell me what you think It is made as a guardian style map, hence the name Cerebus. : Halo 3 File Details
Yea i saw that post after i put this up, i will be putting up a better one as soon as i can get some pictures of the map
I love how you guys don't do anything to help. You'd rather boost your own post count than help someone. I took some pictures for you, bro. Spoiler
no they are not. Bungie is not an image hosting site -.- Halo Screen Shots use this and sort out your pictures
I looked at the pics that Caretaker put up, and the map looks pretty good. The only problems i see are that you have a couple of gaps between some of the floors, and a couple of the walls seem to be crooked and look like they are about to fall.
hey you need to fix all of your pictures as they aren't viewable. this post isn't up to the requirement of a posted map and i suggest fixing your pictures so that we can see your map.
(sigh) okay look on how to post pics you go to save you pics to there then copy/paste the IMG code k
What the hell is the point of you guys parroting the same line over and over. Only one person really needs to say anything. If all you guys have to say is the same thing the first person said, stop posting. I posted pictures of his map. It's obvious that none of you bother to scroll down 'n look. You'd much rather just sound like a broken record player. The FH community is getting disappointing.
The Caretaker has posted pictures of the map. I thank him for that, click on the show portion of his reply to see pictures. Also, I will be placing another post of my other map Showdown with pictures from there too. As soon as I learn how too