Sorry, but I forgot the map link before, but it's up now. This map is designed for sniper training, but specifically HEADSHOTS. I utilized gravity lifts to throw a nonmoving guest in a square; as the guest gets propelled forward, he is then pushed to the side, then again, and again, completing the square, only to start again. This endless loop means he is constantly moving, and therefore harder to headshot. Your goal is to kill him with only sniper headshots, because this will, with the custom gametype, give you a point, to track your status. When you do successfully headshot the guest, he will respawn in the never ending loop and you start again. There are also different perspectives and angles to snipe from: [img width=800 height=600][/img] [img width=800 height=600][/img] [img width=800 height=600][/img] [img width=800 height=600][/img] [img width=800 height=600][/img] [img width=800 height=600][/img] Though this will not simulate MM, because the guest will not fire back at you, sadly, it is unlike other training maps; this map, with its correct gametype, rewards you and is not just fusion coils in gravity lifts on Valhalla. I've practiced with this map, and I used it after I have taken breaks from games, to get back into my feel of the game. And again, must have guest, gametype and Heroic DLC. NOTE: PICTURE 6 TOOK ME 10 MINUTES OF GOING BACK AND FORTH IN MAN CANNONS, ENJOY IT.
Looks good; I always love training maps. The only thing I'm wondering: Wouldn't it be boring as hell to be shot around waiting to be killed if you're the guest? That's all I got though.
Hello? The guest doesn't have to be a REAL person. If you have an extra controller you can just sign a guest in.
My only problem is that you are using a sniper in this training and you use a BR in SWAT. I would also time the game so the people have to try and get the most kills in a certain amount of time.
Awesome. I was gonna say that it'd feel stupid shooting the same goal from the same point all the time, but you fixed it with different angles. Nice
I was thinking of putting in a time limit, so you can compare scores to your last game, you an arcade shooter, but I decided people wouldn't like that. And, also, the guest is just a controller, you won't have a friend sitting there watching you shoot him. And Team SWAT Training is a different gametype than Sniper Training all together. Thanks for the DLs, and keep sniping.