Hello, I'm new to the Forge Hub community, and hopefully I'll be making my first submission soon. As for now, I've run into a little problem... I have a "tube corner" placed vertically so that it is entered from the bottom. My problem is that I cannot attach a piece to the other side because the height is off. If anyone has any suggestions to solve this, I'd greatly appreciate it. Also, please feel free to send me a FR (T Stump). I haven't shown this to anyone yet and I'd really like to get some feedback as I'm still in the building process. I'm appearing offline, but if I get a request I'll toss an invite your way.
I'm not sure if I quite understand the problem, do you mean that one edge of the tube corner is raised at an angle? If this is the case then this could probably be solved by S&Q your piece onto it. Hope this helps you.
Um, I don't quite mean raised at an angle... Let me try to draw a picture: Ignore the black 't's. tttttttttttttttt ___ ttt______ ttt___ ( _______ | |tttttttttttttttt^ | |tttttttttttttregular piece | | ^ corner The floors don't line up, and I've tried raising one, lowing the other, and a mix of the two, but nothing seems to allow them to line up correctly. If this isn't understandable, please let me know. I'll be more than happy to take a picture .
I think I understand you know, but unfortunately I think this is a pretty much unsolvable problem, one piece is actually bigger than the other. I guess to get the best possible outcome from this I would try to interlock it into a similar position. BTW nice diagram xD.