Lights Out: An infection map on Orbital This is my very first post in ForgeHub, so if I did anything wrong with this post, please let me know. Thanks! Map Description: The humans are split up into 2 teams of 3. Each team must take a different route to the safehouse on the other side of the map. As the teams are walking through the littered corridors, the infected are after them. After 45 seconds into the game, the lights on the whole map go out (gloomy effect). Pictures: Overview of safehouse Overview of safehouse 2 Safehouse view from starting base window Team 1 start Team 2 start Zombie start Lights Out Note: this is only a v1 and will be revised upon community request. <<PLEASE REPLY>> DOWNLOAD:
Seeing as you are a new member I would like to guide you in the right direction. So here are the rules and guidelines of posting a map and here is a tutorial on how to embed your screen shots. Since you are a new member it would be a wise choice to also take a look over the Rules. If that isn't enough information for you, then feel free to contact me or any other member on the site to help you.
sorry but... shut up. that does not help instead BlUnT 4ce tRAUMa go to this link where there is a video on how to post pics.
Wow. What a jerk.. Why do we have people like you on forgehub?all he was doing was helping, and you told him to shut up. That is rude, don't ever do something like that again. sorry about this guy trauma
I would really like to see a map that completely BLACKS OUT. I made a map called Whiteout on Blackout, and after 3 minutes, you can't see 5 feet in front of you.
This reminds me of those maps like club dead and tree rot. Its just a bunch of junk thrown around but it still plays and beats everyone elses atlas submissions. Well gameplay might be ok but forgeing not so much.
mmk ^ | Stupid/jerk Thanks for showing him what to do Agamer93.. Anyway on topic this looks infectiony but instead of blocking the openings with pallets you should use something cubish (dunno if thats a word lol). So for now 3/5 and i hope to see more maps from you later -King
k Alright so your suppsed to break through them and move on to the next area? Thats kinda cool. its like a self sealing room.