Pre-DLC Somali Pirates

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by grubish360, Apr 19, 2009.

  1. grubish360

    grubish360 Ancient
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    Somali Pirates (v1/v1.5)

    Somali Pirates
    Created by Grubish360

    Supported Gametypes:
    Multi-bomb: Version 1
    1-bomb: Version 1.5

    Map Description
    This map is best played with 8-16 people. Basicly the Somali Pirates attempt to plant the bomb on the defender's cargo "ships". The cargo ships elephants.

    Version 1.5: This version has only one elephant to defend and is used with 1-bomb gametypes.

    Somali pirates spawn area.

    Cargo ship 1 where deffenders spawn and deffend. (Removed in v1.5 if using 1-bomb gametype.)

    Cargo ship 2 where deffenders spawn and deffend.

    Inside cargo ship 2.

    Somali pirate heading out to attack.

    Enjoy. I'm open to suggestions.

    Download Somali Pirates - Use with multi-bomb
    Download Somali Pirates v1.5 - Use with 1-bomb
    #1 grubish360, Apr 19, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2009
  2. Bass Forger

    Bass Forger Ancient
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    This looks very interesting... Very interesting indeed.. I'm glad that this is the first pre DLC map i've seen in days and it looks pretty good concept wise. The only problem is that if the people who aren't the pirates don't move the elephant at all and just camp where it spawns. It would be much easier to hold out there than on the open routes. You could fix this simply by making fusion coils spawn to blow things up or send the elphant flying out of there after say 30 seconds into the game. All around good job on the map but i need to delete some things on my Hard drive before i cand download.
  3. AItius

    AItius Ancient
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    It actually looks pretty good for a non DLC map. It seems like an interesting gametype that could be a great casual game with friends. The cargo ships also look great, with a perfect balance of weapons. One thing I'm confused about is why there are two places to plant. Does that mean that the pirates can attack either one, or do they have to attack both. It seems like they could just rush one and make it impossible to defend.
  4. grubish360

    grubish360 Ancient
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    The pirates can attack both if they want. In version 2 I might try this with only one elephant, so that I can use my origanal idea with 1 sided bomb games.
  5. AItius

    AItius Ancient
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    That seems like a better idea, but maybe reduce the power weapons if you do that. It seems to easy to just leave one elephant alone and rush the other. Maybe a teleporter on each could help, allowing the defenders to switch back and forth between the two. Overall, it looks like a great concept, that just needs some touching up and playtesting.
  6. Mr Garfunkle

    Mr Garfunkle Ancient
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    Good idea, too soon for the name, lol. You may want to add teleporters inside the elephants or within a good distance because spawning issues can occur, and you end up with the whole team on one elephant. Try to balance out the vehicles and attackers spawns could be put in other places, so the elephants don't just run away to the other side. Good concept, 3.5/5 could be a 5 with a v2.
  7. grubish360

    grubish360 Ancient
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    I thought about putting teleporters inside the elephants, but then it occured to me that the pirates could just use the teleporters to get to the other elephant.
  8. grubish360

    grubish360 Ancient
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    Alright! I finished v1.5. Basicly its the same thing with built for the gametype 1-bomb, which is a default gametype bundled with Halo 3. Enjoy.
  9. TheGreatBrownie

    TheGreatBrownie Ancient
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    Seems like a very interesting and original game. But, the title could be offensive to some. It is almost like making a map based on 9/11 or Cancer. Many people are dying out there because of these pirates. Another thing, "Somalia" is spelt wrong. Sorry for being full of criticism, but my mind speaks much!
  10. PodmoreX

    PodmoreX Ancient
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    Well done, i mean you could have gone and made a proper cargo ship on foundry or sandbox etc, but i prefer the old maps (mostly) and people who make awesome maps on the old maps are more skilled than those who make awesome maps on the DLC (with some exceptions like titan)
    Its pretty good, maybe a contraversial title, but looks quite fun to play.
    Id DL (if i had a working xbox :( )
  11. ManRayX

    ManRayX Ancient
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    Cool Map.

    First of all it's really wierd but I had thought about doing a game like this as a second version of a map of a map I made over a year ago. Hit Search on this site and type in Skydive Convoy and you wil see, but the really wierd part was the first name that poped into my head to name it was Somali Pirate. Can't wait to try this but I will probably switch it and make it a one sided terrritory map and make the elephant the only territory. Very cool will DL and get ba

    ck to you.

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