this is my second map i have made i hope you will like it. it i called recon ship. overwiev of the ship this i a veiw of the hanger number 1 of the rooms number 2 of the rooms number 3 of the rooms number 4 of the rooms here is some banshees in the hanger here is the brigde¨ and nowthe that you all have been whating for THE DROP POD! first shoot the garp lift than go trough the teleporter and there it comes i hope you guys like it and of course will download it here is the link : Halo 3 File Details here is me
this is the first time i have seen an airship on sandbox, and i really love the drop pod thing. I would download but my Halo disc just never loads in my 360. At first glance, 4/5
Before I download, I must say a few things. First, work on your grammar, spelling, etc. Second, you should probably try to make things smoother and cleaner. Some of the things look a little messy. I'll comment further once I play on it.
The ship looks awesome. I like how you came up with the drop pod idea. If you do make another version, i would suggest you disguise the drop pod, maybe you coould incorporate a switch, and change the front of the ship so it's not just open, maybe add a few shiel doors. Other than that it lloks awsome. And for future reference in the title it should just be the name of the map, and nothing else. 4/5
Looks okay. The "drop-pod" thing is kind of simple, though. It's a nice idea, but why not use a "wire-switch" to accomplish the dropping of a Warthog? Anyways, judging by the pictures, it's pretty hard to believe that you can make a good looking inside, and outside of a ship. Uh... 4.5/5!
Looks pretty nice. Good construction, although the idea for the drop pod is kinda simple... The map is not nearly as bad as your spelling or grammar... Anyway, nice map... 4/5
Garp Lift? What's that? Seriously, spelling. Learn it. The Map, though, is pretty good. The Drop Pod would work better with two people. One drving the hog, the other destroying the lift. 3.9/5
I like the ship, but the drop pod would work better if a) it looked like a drop pod & b) you were actually in it when it fell. I know b) might be impossible with sandbox's killzone below the skybox, but you could always try avalanche. despide that, its a really cool looking map, 4/5
The ship looks ok but I'm not sure about the drop pod though, I mean you just drop the warhtog and then go through the teleport to get into the warthog? I was expecting a real drop pod but this is kinda disappointing.
The map is nice. Could be a little cleaner though if you smoothed out some stuff. If you also made more of a drop pod switch, that would help. TBH, it's simple. A little too simple. Nice try though. 3.5/5