Ascension was only fun for flying around in a Banshee and Tower of Power. I really am thinking it is Lockout. And who wants Ascension made the community has made it clear they want Lockout the most.
I bet it is Midship because the map is codnamed Purple Reign and well... midship is purple and a classic!
I'm really hoping that this is Ascension not Lockout. I've had too much of Guardian already and Lockout is just going to kill me.
Its codenamed 'Moonlight Sonata.' Purple Reign was dismissed until a future map pack. It has to be Lockout or Ascension. I'd prefer Lockout, but I loved them both, and for those of you that say guardian is Lockout, where is the snow on guardian or the hammer on Lockout, hmm?
... Before the game was released, on the podcast they stated that Guardian was a reimagining of Lockout. They talked about the green shotgun room, the main grav lift, the slightly elevated tower with Sniper, the main room with a room under it, all of the floating platforms, and other things. Note that Last Resort, which is a remake of Zanzibar, has different weapons and stuff. Where is the sword on LR? Or the Laser on Zanzibar? I don't think that they will ever release an exact remake in Halo 3, but they will certainly make more maps in the same vein as older ones.
Last Resort is how remakes should be done, not like in halo 2 where they changed way too much stuff. Minor enhancements FTW. I'm not liking "glossary" as the name though. Kind of gay sounding.
I would love if this was Ascension and I think it will be. Guardian IS the remake of Lockout. Final. The little image they have on the Power Unlimited magazine is very close to the same as Ascension's highest tower. The picture of part of the floor plan and Ascension's are also close. Definite remake! Me and the last map in the Map pack: :squirrel_hug:
Earlier, they said that it was a chilly, isolated structure. Isolated fits Ascension and Lockout, but when they say Chilly, i think Lockout. Guardian isn't a remake of Lockout, it's a Spiritual Successor, like Valhalla is a Spiritual Successor to Coagulation. They said this was a remake, so it probably is Lockout. Ascension would probably be done in later map packs.
Uhh, isn't Guardian just a non-snowy version of lockout? Ascension would be so fun with the moving thingy in the middle with stuff on it.
I was kidding about Guardian vs Lockout, I know they're very similar, almost remakes. You guys are so gullible.
yeah that picture looks more to me like an early lockout. or maybe a frozen ancesion.. looks more like lockout to me
What if it was like Chill-out or something. That would be awesome. However I don't believe it is a remake. They are releasing it this Tuesday to inform you all.