all cities have a rough part of town. somewhere you wouldn't want to get caught after dark, somewhere where gangs roam the streets. in new mombasa, that place is the backalleys... but even in this danger humans thrive. alleyways is a map primarily built for slayer (ffa and team) and ctf. set in 2552 it has many twisting hallways, weapons, and a lot of cover. behind the alleys is a park - but not a normal one. inside of this park are crates, trucks - anything that could get stolen, ends up here. there are three levels to alleyways - the alleys, the rooftops, and finally the powerlines. these are almost gone however so only one piece remains. weapons on this map are balanced, and only one is stronger then the rest. i cannot get pictures because at the time of writing this it was only completed 10 minutes ago and no-one else has it. however if you download and make pictures, please send me a link. please rate/comment and download here [img width=800 height=600][/img] [img width=800 height=600][/img] [img width=800 height=600][/img] [img width=800 height=600][/img] WOW! THESE PICTURES ARE HUGE!! didn't realise they'd be that large
check out some of the maps under yours to give yourself an idea on how to post the map also read this topic
guys, i think he got the message already. you don't need five people telling him the same thing you know
if photobucket keeps freezin then use something else. and if there is a problem with your live you could draw a floor plan and scan it onto your computer
Well then, it looks really rather sloppy. No interlocking to be seen, doesn't really looks interesting. I see no reason to download.
ITS A BETA, AS WITH ALL MY MAPS HERE if i get proper fdeedback i will make final, with interlocking. btw actually works guite well with swat.
if possible, can a mpoderator move this to the map testing section? that would help a lot. if not, just tell me and I'll remove the link