I was just thinking. All off these other ways of geomerging seem a little long. Would it be posible to use killballs to geomerge objects instead? they go into objects. the only thing is that killballs are cicles not square.
Actually it isn't possible, it works with doors because after you can push them into other objects they become solid, however killballs are still what ever the word is, able to gone through, (lol) so yea it isn't possible.
I wouldn't want to use killballs anyway. I wouldn't want to risk zooming in too far and going thorugh the killball. That has the pottential to screw up your map and can get frustrating after a while. Nice thinking out of the box man, It sounded like a great idea, too bad it turned out as bad news.
yeah, the killball is still a 'hollow' object. unlike the door which after geomerging would be solid.
What he said. The door is 'hollow' edges which will merge with other items when you hold it but becomes sold after placement. The killball doesn't become a solid object when placed.
When i first read it, I though it was a very good idea, but after reading there posts and thinking it threw, they are right, it isn't solid, so i dont see how it could work
definitely doesn't work. There are no items that can use the "door" method on Sandbox, unfortunately. You have to use the old-fashioned way. See the last page of the Forging 101 for Merging Immovable Objects with Map Geometry for pics and a demonstration at work
...that doesn't answer the question, especially since you can't really get close enough to the core to have any kind of precision while merging...