Yea if you wanna help out that would be sweet. It will be kinda like this so add ExHaLeeee on live if you wanna do it!
I hate seeing these threads. I know that the end result will very rarely be anything good (if anything at all) and a quick search of "Halo 3 Music Video Hell" on YouTube will show the quality I'm expecting. Machinima needs much more planning and work than one evening of custom games where you attempt to get your characters to dance.
I agree, you really want a good Machinima you have to take the time to put a lot, and I mean a LOT of effort in. Even some money. People don't often realize that the truly good machinimas have days, if not weeks or more of effort put into each episode, with good sound recording, sound editing, video editing (not just clipping out bloopers either!) reshooting, planning, layouts etc. However with that said I will admit that HMV Hell managed to get a few chuckles out of me. No doubt. But I didn't ever laugh, literally out loud, like I have watching Red vs Blue, Matchmaking, or others of a similar caliber.
If you want a storyline about some guy who shoots people then go watch just about any Hollywood movie. I hate watching machinimas, and don't get how anybody could like making it knowing there's so many higher quality competitions out there. It's all about the funtages imo... They're much more funny... They aren't made up, they're more eye catching (because of Halo's epic physics engine which can cause something totally unthinkable), and just about the only competition in this genre are movies/shows like America's Funniest Home Videos (AFV) and Jackass... That's about it
That's the problem, there is no, or barely any worthy, competiton. Like here at ForgeHub, there are things to motivate people to make better maps. Things like an index of featured maps, high quality maps being reffered to as examples for techniques and the fact that if your map sucks then it will sink quickly in the forum and nobody will ever see it again. Because there are so many low quality machinima films on YouTube, many people just assume that is the accepted level of quality and any actual good films made by people who could be considered competition are quickly hidden under piles of rubbish. And then there are the popular 'directors' who set a bad example by doing things like starting a series then making the final episode 3 or 4 episodes long with a lot of action which should have or already has been covered in previous episodes if they ever get round to making the final episode, or having the characters stand motionless because it looks more 'realistic' and assumes the audience will know which character is talking even though they're all voiced by 1 person. *ahem* erm, little rant over. Point I'm trying to make: planning is very very important. If you plan everything before you start fiilming then you can get everything organised, you'll be able to ask people to do voice work, because you will have written a script, and you can organise any other puppetteers if you require any scenes do be done over XBL, because you will have planned out all the shots you want.
Well, I meant you don't plan the film clips contents in funtages. Usually funtages involve random things that you thought was funny or cool, so you put it in so others can enjoy... but you actually do plan out the order of the clips, the music and all that. I like it because it's a little bit of both, you don't have to work too hard... but lately I've had to work harder, seeing as there aren't anymore free capturing services
Guys guys trust me im taking my time ive watch alot of these and alot of them are pretty bad. But im not gonna rush it and make some lame pointless video
In response to ER1C0 the reason I don't go watch some Hollywood movie (this is just my opinion) is because it's the same drivel every time. Now granted a lot of machinima are the same drivel over and over, the machinima are less profit motivated, and therefore you end up with unique aspects, when people are more willing to try 'risky' things. I also enjoy machinima because it's a new medium that offers an interesting opportunity for people to produce films without a worry about budget. The most you spend that you normally wouldn't perhaps is for the capture card and maybe some higher end software. Most people who make machinima had their 360 and Halo 3 before they started making machinima (or intended to buy these two items irregardless). This is part of what makes machinima more interesting than bland profit driven Hollywood drivel.
People aren't necessarily going to just trust you, even if you really are capable of producing a great machinima – but how are we supposed to know that? I suggest making a machinima short before doing anything really too serious, just to get the hang of it and actually show some proof of your machinimating capabilities.
I definitely agree, do you have any previous work that you can show us? Your writing doesn't really say a lot of good for you.