Sundown Meet-up

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by TheClubhouse, Apr 20, 2009.

  1. TheClubhouse

    TheClubhouse Ancient
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    Sundown. Ver. 3

    *VERSION 3*
    I've responded to more of the feedback that was given to me, and it seems the placement of the bruteshot affected the gameflow. So I moved it. Also, the territories have been corrected. They were done SEVERELY wrong in my first two versions. Did you know you can change the territories to a box from the default circle? I just found that out! Now, 99% of the map is covered by a territory with none of them overlapping. Thanks for the input guys, please let me know what else I could do.

    Its a triangle map built with Conquest in mind. The map looks small, but its actually got quite a bit of running room. This is my first attempt at a Conquest map, and in fact I actually just started playing with my friends on a map I downloaded from this site "of the essence". Anyways, I tried to follow the rules of a conquest map as best I could and I'm looking for some feedback on how to make this map better. There are seven territories to this map. 1 in each base, 2 on each side and another one at the gate.
    Although this map was designed primarily with Conquest in mind, It actually makes a good 2v2 map if you change up the weapons abit. Also, I've set it up so you can play Neutral flag/bomb, Two flag/bomb, koth, territories, slayer and VIP.

    Best for 6-10 players, we tested a 4v4, and it seemed just right. Let me know!

    2 x smg
    2 x spiker
    2 x plasma rifle
    1 x bruteshot (no extra clips)
    All above are on EACH side

    2 x pistol
    Located in the centre part

    I know snipers and battle rifles are allowed in the Conquest rules, but I felt the straight hallways of this level, combined with some possibilities of some cross map shooting made me leave those long distance weapons out.

    Download Sunset Meet-up version 3 here: : Halo 3 Community Files
    (*NOTE* It says sunset v2, but its actually the version 3 with the corrected territory and weapon layouts.)

    *I should also mention how this map got its name. The standard conquest round lasts for 3 minutes, and for the last 30 seconds of the round, the sun goes down and it gets dark. The meet-up part...... well its conquest, and you have no where to hide or go but into the enemies loving hands.

    Also, now that you can't get into the center, the seventh territory spawns outside the gate.

    Side View

    Back view

    The Corner - Entrance to red base


    Base - Blue team spawn (now the bruteshot appears IN FRONT of player spawns where they'll see)

    Overview - Last 30 seconds of game, the lights turn out! (Gloomy/juicy mix) Not as dark as before.
    #1 TheClubhouse, Apr 20, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2009
  2. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    I'm glad Of the Essence inspired you to make a conquest map! You mentioned that this map is "conquest based," so i will have to see how conquest actually plays on it. From what i can tell, the "single path" rule doesnt quite hit the spot because of the middle territory. But this is a very nice first conquest map. And if you would like an in-depth guide from the creator of conquest himself, check out this link. I will be testing this, along with several other conquest maps tomorrow. But welcome to the world of conquest! Great map, I'll let ya know what i think
    #2 Gunnergrunt, Apr 20, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2009
  3. TheClubhouse

    TheClubhouse Ancient
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    I know what you mean about the single path. I wasn't sure if the little detour in the middle would ruin the conquest fun. The guys I was playing with had no idea what conquest was till I told them, so I haven't actually played it with anyone that has experience in that game type. Thanks for the input, let me know if you guys can come up with any suggestions! BTW, thanks for Of the Essence, it really is a fun map.
  4. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    I like the idea of a triangle--maybe if you had a central divider wall that made the path linear so that you had to go to that center territory, it would work better. You could even make it out of interlocked half-walls so that the teams could take pot-shots at one another. In either case, it does look well-forged, and I'm eager to see how it plays.

    EDIT: I can already see something I'm not too fond of: the SMGs that exist behind the players as they spawn. As AZN FTW would say, main weapons like SMGs should be in the main run path (shortest path you can possibly take around the map). If you had power weapons (i.e. Brute Shot, Grenades), you'd want them removed enough from the run-path to where you see them as you run by them, but you won't pick them up unless you intentionally deviate from your path to do so.

    I'm curious, are you planning on entering this into XForgery's Conquest!Contest?
    #4 Jpec07, Apr 20, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2009
  5. TheClubhouse

    TheClubhouse Ancient
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    I never even knew about a contest for conquest. I just loved the setting and would love to see it in maybe a weekend matchmaking once in a while. If people like this map, and I can make what ever improvements are needed, then sure, I'll check it out. Thanks. Ya, the center part is a bit of a problem though.
  6. Spaghettimanp1

    Spaghettimanp1 Ancient
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    Instead of talking about the path not being linear, i just saw that in the first pic by the ramps, is a place someone could sit and ambush the other team, conquest maps dont usually have that. However i am happy you joined the world of conquest.
  7. TheClubhouse

    TheClubhouse Ancient
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    Thanks Spaghettimanp1, I just finished V2 update on this map. I'll def. consider that for my next rounds of improvements.
  8. Spirit798

    Spirit798 Ancient
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    Read the OP, the middle part isn't accessible in conquest games.
    Unless, of course, he editted the OP with V.2, and you posted that with V.1. Then I'm sorry.

    Back to the map post.
    It looks original, haven't seen a triangular map before - then again, I don't play conquest often (I have 2 conquest maps, I believe..) so if it's been done before, I don't know about it.

    I'm not going to give you a d/l, sorry, but I can say it -looks- nice, which is part of what your map needs.
    Maybe make walker-bracers on some places at the outer side of the map, so you can't accidentally walk off?
    Just a simple suggestions. Nice map!
  9. TheClubhouse

    TheClubhouse Ancient
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    Thanks spirit798, perhaps some ledges on the sides would add a bit to it. Believe it or not, I'm running out of $ and decent pieces! I'll wait till more feedback on the map comes in and decide whats next.. thanks again.
  10. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    I looked at the first version and was about to comment on it when I saw you had v2 out, so I DL'd that one too. This is a pretty nifty little map, I must say.

    I very much like your structures. The little block that separates the bases is very nice, and the weapon holders are too. I actually liked the mid section in the first version, I'm sorry to see it go. But you still have both versions up, so it's all good. I'm told that it's important to conform, so I guess you did what you had to go. But like I said, I liked it before and your "fix" looks a little bit contrived in v2. Also, you replaced the SMGs with the Brute Shot. The problem in the first place was that no one will ever look behind them for anything you put back there, so that fix doesn't quite work. One final thing I noticed in both versions is that you have 2 territory markers on the ground level of Sandbox. For all practical purposes, it's won't affect the game at all. Just a little OCD eyebrow-raise, and the waypoints far below may entice players to jump to their doom. Halo players are much like lemmings, but with a shorter attention span.

    But like I said, the little details in the structure are very creative, and along with the layout, really set this one apart.
    #10 Indie Anthias, Apr 20, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2009
  11. TheClubhouse

    TheClubhouse Ancient
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    Ya, I'll fixed that whole territory problem for the next version. I agree totally with you about it looking better in the first version. That boarding it up is just for the conquest game though. Thanks alot for finding out that problem.
  12. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    I agree with most everything Predicide said, though at the same time I do think that if you had a dividing wall running inside the path that sent players to the center structure, you could still use it--it seems too well-forged to waste. I will say that I really like the idea you have in this map, and am eager to see how it turns out.

    Oh, and you ought to put that Brute Shot where someone will notice it. Other than that, I can't see anything else that would really need correcting. ^_^
  13. TheClubhouse

    TheClubhouse Ancient
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    ok, I've responded to some of the input given to me yesterday, and I've put version 3 up now. It has "better" weapon placements and completely re-vamped territory placements. Now 99% of the map is covered by a territory with no overlapping. Thanks for the feedback, still looking for more!
  14. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    I still think that you shouldn't block off the center structure, but I guess it's ultimately your call. Besides that, I can't really see much that's wrong with it, aside from the fact that if you go to pick up the spikers you're gonna grab the frag grenades involuntarily as well. Good work. ^_^

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