I have been seeing a lot of complaints ever since halo 3 came out about forge. Clearly, it has massive limitations. I won't go into a list, but budget, object limit and the odd shape of foundry / the crypt are obvious flaws. However, in a seemingly fantastic map editor like the one in far cry 2, there aren't a plethora of amazing maps, which is odd, given the tools which can be used in that game. In my opinion, Bungie have been extremely clever, by forcing us to create inventive and unique maps in massive constrictons. When these constrictions are lifted (with Foundry and Sandbox), we embrace the opportunity to make better maps with our experience. As an example, wihtout a large working space in foundry, forgers had to cram high-quality forging into a small space. Now, with the sky bubble, we can create HIGH-QUALITY forging in a large space. If sandbox had shipped with halo 3, we would have had a ton of useless maps which would not live up to their full potential. While it's clear that Bungie are limiting us, think about how much we are therefore encouraged to make good use of what we've got, rather than being overwhelmed. In time, Bunige will probably release more and more comprehensive versions of forge. It is a unique tool, and I, personally, am glad that I was given so long to understand it before being let loose on sandbox. Opinions please.
I was thinking of this as well. I guess Bungie will solve all forge problems in time. And eventually take over the world.
Or, Halo 3 has better filesharing systems, screenshotting to show off your map, and is a better game with more fans to play the maps. Nah, couldn't be that.
Bungie's not necessarily "limiting" us. They built the forge engine as a way to do minor tweaks to a map, such as weapon layout and spawns points. They didn't build it to be a map builder. It's not like they can just add a full map editor. It's not possible. But like the OP mentioned, my problem with Bungie is that they still like to screw things up, i.e. the Crypt's odd walls, the sand on the ground floor of Sanbox (not the dunes, but the actual sandy spots on the flat part of the floor), Foundry's skirted walls, the cranes on Foundry, and Foundry's odd ceiling. Although these things might not seem like a big deal to some, for the serious forgers it's Hell. Geomerging is often a necessity, and Bungie was stupid for doing some of the things they did. Just by looking at some of the maps out there you can see that we aren't really "limited," we just have to work harder to achieve the end result.