about 2 weeks ago, i started a forge frnzy phase where the only thing i wanted to do was forge maps. so about a week ago i had an idea i thought was really cool. Its a hostage type scenario game using the VIP gametype. In Hostage, the defenders must work together to recover the VIP and and escort him around the map and score points, if the VIP gets killed the round is over. The VIP will start in a shielded fence box within the enemy fortress and the only way out is through a blocked teleporter (idea from cellblock 71(I hope thats ok). Theres only one problem, i couldnt find any way to ensure that VIP start in the fence box, ithe only options for starting points are nuetral,defenders,attackers,etc. if you have any solutions or suggestions, i would greatly appreciate it. thankz
i have no idea how to solve your problem, however i am intrested in your map. but does the vip just sit there until being released, cause dont you think that would be boring, just sitting there. or what if the team never had the chance to release him?
you bring up a good point about bordom, i guess i could remove a few shield doors so the hostage could shoot at his captors, i could also put a cust powerup in the box so he is invulnerable until he escapes
There is no way to specifically choose where the VIP spawns, sorry. The best you can do is set up a Defender's area, and the whole team will spawn around him and can guide him out that way. There are several maps that have used this as a gametype, the most recent that I played being one of running chron's, which you can find in his Guilder Application. Mike 'n Ace made one that I've played too, but I don't know if he ever published it. You might want to search through some of the maps and look at how they have stuff set up to get some ideas. Good luck.
There has got to some way using spawn points, but I do not know. Anyhow, I really like your idea. I was thinking that there might be a dangerous escape route in the fortress for the hostage. I would also say that the VIP moves slowly, and that the escort point would be at the other end of the map. Getting there would end the game. I guess it would kind of be like "One Flag", except the flag is a person.
um what stops the other team from going in the cell and killing the VIP. i had a very similar idea but instead of using a telaporter uyou used a fence box and cover it with sheild doors and you have to trow a grav lift in the box to free the VIP and to keep the VIP alive you aquip the vip with a shotgun or hammer so that anyone folish enough to drop down through the sheild door covering the top will die. i still havent figured out what to do if the defender jumps in and kamikazes with stickes.
well the hostage is in a fence box with walls on top so no one can shoot down and there are sheild doors on the inside of the box so no one can shoot in
i dont think there is a way to keep that from happening but i sorta what to try a map with this sorta thing.,.,.
This sounds like a great idea. I think i'll work something similar since i just finished my current map, we'll see how it turns out and hopefully it will help us get a better idea of how this could work.
K, so the scenario is where one seem starts and attempts to capture a flaged player located within another teams base, and then bring him out. Hmm...
Had the same idea myself the other day (no I didn't get it from this thread) My solution was quite simple and I'll post the map and game type as soon as I'm done building it.
I like the idea, but as others have said, I think your outa luck on this, unless you jsut sit there and restart over and over and over. Don't do that. Please.