MLG - OBSCURITY v1 MADE BY: GAMER1824 and partially SeanWillPwnU MLG obscurity is a 4v4 symmetrical MLG map in the crypt of sandbox. I have had the idea for this map for quite a while, and it was not easy to make. I started the map about 2 weeks ago and it took me about altogether 41 hours and 20 min (yes i counted). If it wasnt for my OCD in forge of aligning things this map wouldve taken a shorter amount of time and looked worse. But after days of "come play matchmaking" and "no one's gonna like ur map", i finally finished it! So here it is---> I AM MAKING A v2 AS WE TYPE SO PLEASE LEAVE SUGGESTIONS! WEAPONS: Battle rifle x11 Carbine x4 Sniper Rifle x1 Mauler x1 Custom power up x1 Supports: MLG TS v6 MLG CtF v6 MLG Team Ball v6 THIS IS THE OFFICIAL PRACTICE MAP FOR ~KBS~ [Kold Blooded Sniper clan] PST KBS Snipes 50 for an inv. (tell him your from FH) -THE MAP IS SYMMETRICAL SO WHEN U SEE A BLUE SIDE ITS THE SAME THING ON THE RED SIDE (vice versa)- MAIN OVERVIEW FRONT OF BASE Top training Bottom training Back base Top custom There's custom! Sniper Tower Bottom middle (mauler) Time for some SLAYER! Capture the Flag anyone? DOWNLOAD>>> ENJOY!!
Wow, this looks like one of the best MLG maps I've seen in the crypt. It looks like it was forged well, and that you spent time on it. I like the blend of the wooden structures to the stone ones; it seems to work nicely for this map. It's also refreshing to see an MLG map that is not just BR's, so that there is some more depth to the gameplay, with the timing of weapons and custom. It also seems to be very well balanced, with people up top not having a huge advantage. Overall, It looks like a fun map to play on and well forged, so I will test it out and see what I think.
That map was so frustrating to make (GT: SeanWillPwnU) i only made like 10% of it and GAMER MADE 90%. He is a ownage map maker. KBS 4 L1FE