Made By: SpEcTaCuLar Ra Description: Well this is my first racetrack on Blackout while though is short, was very hard to make cause of the barrier that kills you everytime you hit it. This track is nothing really amazing but is very smooth and probably one of the best Blackout tracks ever made. The track is very short because of the limited objects that is available. The track includes an uncheatable destination and very well forged turns. I know it's not a Sandbox map but i just want to try other maps out to see what I can achieve. Well anyways here's the map and please leave some constructive criticism. Enjoy!!! Pics: View of map from the bottom Start Turn after Start Wall ramp Box Turn Bridge Ramp Box turn Box Hill and Destination Well That's It. Hope You Liked the Map!!!! Download Map : Halo 3 File Details Download Gametype : Halo 3 File Details
Don't type in white it's hard to read for the people using the old skin. Map looks cleanly forged. I'm very intrigued by the box hill and I like how you interlocked the power-ups into the actual map. Good Job. I will return with a review on gameplay if I can get a game in. EDIT: Oh and the starting area seems a bit cramped for eight mongooses. I suggest removing some or making the starting area bigger.
Alright, first of all, YOU BUILT A RACETRACK ON BLACKOUT?? If that's not determination, I don't know what is! Second, it looks like, possibly, the best (& only; I'm still in shock!) RACETRACK I've yet to see on Blackout. It seems really smooth, looks fun, I will download it, 10/10! By the way, nice picture (the Black and White one.)! Let me guess, Photobucket?
this is good, but you are kinda assuming that this is one of the best, i suggest you wait for some reviews that say it is, but pretty good 4/5 ive seen better
Plane amazing you dont see many clean forged blackout maps let alone racetracks, I got to give you props for patience and determination it has paid off.
okay, the basic facts are; 1. You made a RACETRACK on BLACKOUT 2. this is one of the smothest (non-foundry/sandbox) maps I have seen 3. you obviously have a determination and patience that greatly exceeds the average gamers (I am using myself as the example here). Now for the map; I'm inclined to agree with Chronik, that starting are does feel a bit cramped, however I would suggest you space the 2 rows out a bit, and cut the number down to 6. I love the interlocking of the powerups, on an astetic level it looks amazing. Final word: you have the patience of mother Terresea and it has producd this beautiful map 5/5
You took the impossible and made it possible. A race track on blackout is an accomplishment but making a awesome racetrack on blackout is just a miracle. I love the atheistic parts of the map. It plays well and looks good. The track itself is a dream to ride. Not to easy but not to hard. Perfect for being able to take the lead on a box turn. 4/5
with "spectac" at the start of the name of everything you make it makes me expect the same of the last map you posted, but i had a look at this and it looks real nice. It being on Blackout mixes things up a bit and i'd say you used all the objects well to make it as long as you could. good job
1 ive seen many good race tracks on black out and 2 don't act all surprised its just a map. anyways the maps very smooth and nice looking hope it gets good review from chronic =)