Sandbox A Lovely Bunch of Coconuts

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Morphine, Mar 18, 2009.

  1. Morphine

    Morphine Ancient
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    A Lovely Bunch of Coconuts
    By Morphine(Timeless161)


    Teams: 2
    Players: 6+

    Map Download
    Gametype Download

    Before I get into things, there is something I need to explain about sandbox and I believe I'm one of the few people to have figured this out... As most of you might already know, tin cups have a magnetic like attraction to golf balls, certain movable objects, and large vehicles. Trio Enzyme and I took this a step further by realizing interlocking or stacking these tin cups will strengthen this pull. While there are several applications for this discovery, as you can see in the picture above I use it to hold all of the coconuts (golf balls) underneath the spawn platform for the top team. It is also used in another aspect of my map I will explain later...

    How to play:

    This game is played as an onesided VIP game. There are 4 rounds in total each only lasting 3 minutes.

    The VIP team spawns on this platform hovering above the map. Only the VIP has vehicle use enabled, and at this point he must climb into the banshee and remain for most of the game. While his teammates jump off the platform to the arena bellow

    The tasks of the VIP are as follows:

    Knock down the coconuts for his teammates(this must be done by running into the golf balls, shooting them does not jar them loose)


    Flying down to help his/her teammates push the ball into the cup or to give them proximity traits(which refresh their grenades).


    And the final task is scoring the game point(more on this later)

    While the VIP is trying to accomplish this, his teammates(who jump off the platform to start) have a job to do...

    This is the ground floor:

    As you can see there are 4 tin cups placed evenly around the map. The VIP teammates goal is to retrieve the coconuts dropped by the VIP and push them into each cup.


    This in turn blocks the teleporter that is placed within it. Once all four of them have been blocked, the VIP must return to the platform and ride the gravity lift up to the VIP point, scoring a point and winning the round...


    While some of you might be thinking, why don't I just stand in the teleporters to block them? This is actually not possible as there are two teleporters placed in each tin cup, one that needs to be blocked and another which dumps any players attempting to cheat out in the skybox.

    Now things aren't as easy as just pushing the balls into the tin cups...The defending team also stationed down below. Spawning in their one way boxes ready to go with ghosts.


    Their job is to splatter the VIP team as they attempt to score...


    Or knock the ball away from the tin cups before they score.(this is where my second use of the magnetic pull comes in, to keep the ghosts from knocking the balls out of the goals I've interlocked tincups into one another to make the golf balls nearly unmovable)


    But there is some help down below for the VIP team, aside from spawning with plasma pistols and swords, trip mines and power drainers spawn ever so often in the center area for assistance.


    The game can be confusing at first but once everyone gets on the same page it's quite a bit of fun.


    Well that's it, I'm open to any feedback or questions. And even though I can't agree with some of the opinions and actions of certain members here at forgehub, this one is for all you casual mini gamers out there... Have fun and enjoy!
    #1 Morphine, Mar 18, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2009
  2. KUBLUH the forger

    Senior Member

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    wow, this is so well thought out and looks like a lot of fun to play, this is a definite DL, great job Morphine, another great map

  3. exploreTheGore

    exploreTheGore Ancient
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    This looks like a really fun game. It shows one of the many uses of the tin cups. I love the idea and it seems like a lot of fun. It seems like the ghosts have a bit of an advantage even with the plasma pistols. I am definitely going to get a good game going on this to test it out.
  4. rewib65

    rewib65 Ancient
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    this looks like one of the more intricate mini games ive seen, although it looks really fun and really well thought out, 5/5
  5. Kevelocity

    Kevelocity Ancient
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    The fact that it's so simple yet so complex makes my head spin. Fun stuff.
  6. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
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    awesome. this is definitely on the more creative side of the sandbox maps i've seen. the whole 'coconuts' idea is pure genius. i would have downloaded it, but sadly my ethernet cable [screw walmart] isn't working..

    but once i get a new one, i will definitely dl this.
  7. Abibliophobia

    Abibliophobia Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this is a great idea..... to bad that only me and 2 of my friends have the new maps :(
    but i will download it for the future
  8. coolaid55

    coolaid55 Ancient
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    This is definitely the most creative map I have seen in a long time. Congratulations. I believe this map is feature-worthy. I have just one question: what are the gravity/damage/ speed traits for the base player and VIP? You have my DL.
  9. Morphine

    Morphine Ancient
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    VIP(banshee pilot):
    200% gravity
    0% damage
    75% speed

    The reason the VIP has lower gravity is because there are two teleporter the VIP can jump up to on top of both other the ghost spawns, only the VIP team can reach this. This can be used in case the VIPs banshee gets destroyed and he needs to get back up to the platform or to quickly bring the VIP to the score point.

    VIP Team:
    100% gravity
    50% damage
    100% speed

    Non VIP Team(Ghost drivers):
    50% gravity
    0% damage
    110% speed

    Faster speed incase he needs to run out and grab a ghost(even though there is a two way teleporter between the ghost spawns(not mentioned in the post))
  10. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    This is a very creative mini game, and I must say, I love the name as well! I have yet to play it, but I have high hopes that this will be a blast to play on. Are the opposing teams able to board vehicles? If so, is it detrimental to gameplay?
  11. Morphine

    Morphine Ancient
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    Only the VIP and the defending team have vehicle use enabled. While it is possible for the VIP to jump down and start hijacking ghosts, this only hurts your team and makes it nearly impossible to win.

    I apologize to the 50 some people who downloaded this map since I have posted it. There was a glitch brought to my attention which sometimes does not allow the VIP into the scoring area even if the balls were in place.

    I have updated the map to a new version which changes the scoring area location to a small box on the platform. Not only is this easier for the VIP to enter but it also removes any previous problems.


    I updated the post but here is a link to the new map: New Version(the old game type is still fine)
    #11 Morphine, Mar 20, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2009
  12. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    I didn't realize you posted this on FH as well bro... lol another innovative map of the great Morphine... I'm sure we will see this featured soon be it here or where we roam the most ;)...

    Anyways definitely playing this tonight...
  13. I R t3h haxx0r

    I R t3h haxx0r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks great. Very original which is very cool. During the explanation of the game I was like "How is that going to work??" But it does after all. 5/5
  14. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    This looks amazing, actually. The amount of thought you must have put into the map... How did you even come up with this?
    Well done on utilising the magnetic ability of the tin cups to make this map. Definitely a DL out of superb originality more than anything else. Just got to try and explain what you have to do to a party when I play it...
  15. I R t3h haxx0r

    I R t3h haxx0r Ancient
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    edit: Never mind found it out.
    #15 I R t3h haxx0r, Apr 20, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2009
  16. DrDoctor

    DrDoctor Ancient
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    Wow! I knew that these had an 'attraction' to certain objects and heavy vehicles but I hadn't yet tested whether or not interlocking strengthened this attraction or not. This looks like a load of fun to play and an excellent and creative use of the tin cups. I also love the name. Downloaded and I'll try to get some people going on it this week. (Whether or not you need the input, this just looks fun. :D )
  17. A big fat rat

    A big fat rat Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks fun and well thought out.

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