Map made by FRAGANATER5OOO and TekN9neKilla. This map is still in testing but there may be adjustments added to it... the final version will be out sometime this week. This map can be played on the following gametypes-Team Slayer, Slayer, Assault, Territories, King Of the Hill. Download Longshot
yea yea sure frag ... well allow me to elaborate upon this map . With 3 stories and 2 sniper towers( depending on gametype), few weapons, interesting layout inspired by Avalanche/Sidewinder and Headlong. This version available for download was the one we had in testing phase. The new and modified one will be added hopefully tomorrow March.25th In a way the main idea of this is to control the sniper towers and you control the game. We have 1 mongoose and warthog at each base with a power drain in the turn onto the other side to intercept the vehicles. This map supports the most popular gametypes including your own except Juggernaut, Infection and VIP. Also, in case you were wondering this map is exactly identical including the spawn points. <<<UPDATE>>> We have a new version LONGSHOT v.1.1 which is in my sixth slot sorry for the inconvience i will tell frag to update his fileshare! we worked out the kinks that the first one had and changed little details. ***WEAPONS*** yes there is weapons on the map but you can't see them very clearly from frags, smg's, carbines, maulers, snipers, br's and assualt rifles. with trip mines and 1 power drain to slow enemy vehicles
lies i said i wanted you to help me make a map, then u completey changed it and then i go to help and your like no dont put that there so i mean wtf man u took over u didnt even let me help work on it.... attection people me and TekN9neKilla are going to be working on verison 2 and this time he is actually let me help :-D
There is no need to argue over who created this map.. You are unjustifiably bumping. Also most don't really post there maps until it is out of the testing phase. The map also looks extremely bare, and your description needs a bit more detail to be the least bit enticing. Ninja Monkey vanish* POOF!
looks like a cool map, i advise that you interlock a little bit, and turn the bridges over. it looks really good otherwise.
well it was our first maps done together... and it was done in under 30 mins... the maps im working on by myself and a lot better and everything is merged... i just need my 360 to be able to post them
i guess this would be good for snipers. however, it looks like you have a path going upwards with not many other routs