Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by +tA. Taco, Apr 19, 2009.

  1. +tA. Taco

    +tA. Taco Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is the final version so the changes i've made are listed in the next paragraph, thanks for the advice you guys gave me on my previouse post and it has been taken into consideration. If you did see the other post most of the following you have read (not all of it).

    1. When the zombies spawn they will notice a teleporter placed behind them, that will lead them to the human fall back position so they can prevent them dern nubz from camping and just having all to much fun slaughtering your zombie friends!

    2. I have blocked off the front of the zombie spawns due to noobz spawn camping. Don't worry i did make an alternate route out; you can turn around and use the grav lift and hop ontop of the spawn and exit that-a-way or use the teleporter and strike from an unexpected angle!

    3. A friend ( GT: El Tiger Rojo ) gave me the idea to put a few flares on the map because they allowed better sight for a few seconds and i added 'em.

    4. There are now in game screen shots instead of my newby forge screen shots, lol.

    This map i made for infection. in this map the Humans start in the middle with zombies coming from one direction to start, but after that they spawn coming from 3 different directions to keep the humans on their toe's and guessing. i have placed and gravity hammer, spartan lazer, and rocket launcher at the zombie cover check points so as to create a risk and reward type of thing for the humans. The humans do have a fall back position but you can only get to it 180 seconds into the game, and yes this does have 1 machine gun turret BUT it is facing a wall so that you have to tear it off and only have limited ammo. this turret only spawns every 90 seconds so use it wisely. There is also a hidden sniper rifle but i'll leave finding that to u guys (clue: it's right under ur nose).

    Zombie info: they have shields but they are slightly less powerful than the regular human shields. the zombies are 150% normal speed and obviously they spawn with an energy sword. the zombies color is black as a result they are VERY hard to see if they arent showing their energy sword.

    Human info: they start out in the very middle and have normal shields and normal speed. they start out with an assualt rifle and a pistol and grab weapons as they're found. They are white and with the blue lights they are under that only magnifies them and just screems "HEY ZOMBIES! there's a human right here!".

    As you can see in the upcoming screenshots, the Blue lights signify human rally points and there are 2 of the 3 zombie spawns highlighted with red
    lights. i added the FX Juicy, FX Old Timey, And FX Gloomy to give it an apocaliptic/dawn of the dead feel.

    I will appreciate all ideas and things to add for this map, thnx.

    ___.....-----+++SCREEN SHOTS+++-----.....___​
    View from far with no effects (i know it's the same one but the layout is exactly the same)

    Zombie starting point 1 New and Improved!

    The blocked off zombie respawns and the grav lift i told you about!

    Anti-Camper system :D lol

    Humans are white *Not racist* to represent an easy target for our shadowy freinds

    Zombies are black *Not Racist* to make the flares oh so valuable
    ____.....----+++ACTION SHOTZ+++----.....____

    Scoping out your pray. (from zombie cover check point 1)

    Making use of those flares!

    @#$%! I just had to get the rockets!


    Direct your fire 12 o' clock! (me in the middle)

    Mark of the Zombie Hunter


    ____.....----+++THE TESTERZ+++----.....____​


    Testers not in the picture: COGxxFlYinGTaCo and El Tiger Rojo

    Map Download link: : Halo 3 File Details

    Gametype Download link:
    #1 +tA. Taco, Apr 19, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2009
  2. x MeTh0dzZ

    x MeTh0dzZ Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks good ill try it out. 4/5
  3. Dead in ten

    Dead in ten Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice map looks very clean, hard to follow all your...uhh...Finalassaultnese...with out playing the map first lol :)

    I'll try it out with some of my friends DLing, ty for the map.
  4. +tA. Taco

    +tA. Taco Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thnx guys means a lot to me for this being my first map i acctually tried on.

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