Yeah, I know. I had started it but I then had to move out to school and instead of leaving it for later, I finished it in a hurried fashion. I want to make it better. Back to the topic... 8/10...again.
^^^ Not bad, at least it fills up the entire canvas. Needs a better background though, the black isnt cutting it. 6/10
9/10 Really blends well, good lighting, really good vector brushes. Only thing i dont like is at the bottom of it, the render reflects. I dont know if its a effect or something else, but otherwise, its a really good signature
Nothing really going on there. But it doesn't give me a headache like some sigs. 5/10 Since its just text.
Yeah, like I said, I threw the background together. The flames seem out of place but I needed something there. 3/10. It's only a small bit of text.
Yay, I put all of my teacher's favorite sayings! Anyway, I think I've rated this one before: yea, it stays the same.
^ LMFAO, dude...i love your social studies teacher 9/10 unfortunately, my social studies teacher is a 46 year old skinny vegetarian child molester...