Big Team Slayer. I pop heads with the BR, and when I have the opportunity, grab the spartan laser and blast any vehicles threatening my team. Occasionally I snipe, but some other guy always gets the sniper before me. I've grown attached to big team slayer actually.
Lone Wolves... Yay for rape fests. I find it easy even though I'm not a particularly good player because its simple to just up behind people. =)
Team snipers cause it kinda consists of trying to stay hidden and teamwork. also my friends and i just camp in a room and then when they come BOOM! four bullets right into the chest. Tactic: going stealth and when all else fails camp.
MLG, I'm not saying I'm the best at it, but those are the gametypes I've grown really used to. I've seen countless strategies on all the maps, and MLG FFA on Guardian must be the most used custom gametype for my clan.
Multi-Team, I usually have a decent partner, and most players who go into it aren't really above average, so it's definitely a casual and fun playlist. Second would be Social Big Team, same principles apply.
I agree with Big Team. If you screw up you have 7 other people on your team to help you out instead of something like Team Doubles where if you screw up you start freaking out at the game and lose. At least that is how it works for me. The only thing bad about BTB is how long it takes to play the matches.
Big team slayer is easy to rank up in but i prefer to play tram slayer for more competitive games for me to get better! =P
I rank up like crazy in Snipers. The Team is usually - Me - Insane54 - Other - Other We have this sweet set-up on Guardian and on Blackout. It's a win if we get e everyone to their positions.
Game: Team Objective. Note: I'm not high in it, but it's easy. Tactic: Kill the noobs, get the flag, run! Drop the flag, kill the noobs again, capture the flag.
i would have to say any team game types because i love havein to work together and causes more teamwork.