The goddam wall glitch has fked my map up... Its when you save and it tilts ;l Has anyone got a fix? Other than not saving lol ;p
You've got to make sure all the gizmos are facing back to back. Gizmo, meaning the blue orbs on each item you select in forge. Understanding how the gizmo looks, as a blue orb with a point. The point of each gizmo, for walls in example, if laid flat to be used as a floor VS the easier approach, double boxes. After a save there is a chance for the floors made out of walls to have bumps in them, like yours. Since the front end of a gizmo points a floor wall down, and the bubble end points it up, bungie suggests you do something like this (if im correct). | 0> || <0 | 0> | Does that make sense? So each end of the wall can be level with the following wall peice right after you save. Hopefully. If all else fails, use double boxes. If you need any help in forge, PM me. I'll try not to disapoint you.