I Might Be Gettin A Cap Card Soon, I Jsut Need To Knw If "Pinnacle Video Capture" is okay to use, because the future shops and besy buy's and all that stuff in canada only has that and another thing that records it straight to DVD.
Welcome to virtualdub.org! - virtualdub.org This is what I use, it's definitely the best free alternative.
Pinnacle Studio is fine for beginners. You get yused to it pretty quickly and even though it could be more user-friendly it's definitely worth it. When buying a capture card you need to consider two things: - Does your region have everything in 50Hz or 60Hz? - Do you have vista? If you have Vista, the best capture card would be a Dazzle platinum. Ignore the review on amazon that says it doesn't work as it does. You just need to know what you're doing. The software works with Vista, so so does the capture card.