Duck HuntV2 Made by: t0xic insanity The object of the game,like most people know, is to get to the teleporter at the top. There are 6 levels, or stairs to reach before accessing the teleporter. While you are running 1 sniper will attempt to shoot all of the "ducks" or players trying to reach the teleporter. Once you get to the teleporter, you will attempt to assassinate the hunter without him knowing or you could give it a shot and duel him while a friend goes in and gets him. There are many objects including bouble shields, deployable covers, invisibilities, overshields, shield doors, barriers and grav lifts to aid you. (Specific details of what and how many items on each level is listed below) Special thanks to original creator who made it on foundy. (download at bottom) DuckHuntV2.5 will be created by me very soon. Items: Level 1 - 2 shield doors, 2 barriers, 2 flares, overshield, grav lift, fusion coil, invisibility, grav lift, and bouble shield. Level 2 - Bouble shield, fusion coil, radar jammer, invis, barrier, overshield Level 3 - 1 Shield door, fusion coil, flare Level 4 - 2 shield doors, fusion coil, flare, deployable cover Level 5 - overshield, 1 shield door, deployable cover, grav lift. Level 6 - fusion coil, deployable cover Pictures: Overall view Sniper building Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Download links - Map - Gametype - Duck hunt v2.5 will be much harder it will fix some bugs in this map it me or are there wwwaaayyyyy to many duck hunts? Be creative, use your time to make something more original- 2/5 If it was the first duck hunt map ever- 3/5 Way too many human advantages, needs to be more barriers.
Very bad way of rating. 1 star off just because it is a remake. Your acting as if i said "I totally made this map and i copied no one" And about the advantages, that is why i am making a 2.5 version. I was tirerd and it was 1 AM when i placed the aids.
I think this map is very aliened.I like how you have fusion coils in the back round.I like this map because all the new features.I also like the snipe tower,the levels and how its colorful.Not bad.☻☻☻☻☻
I made one a few minutes ago its more challenging. It fixed alot of problems too, i am making the thread now
You made a v2 on this right? I think I just saw it a couple of minutes ago. But ya the only way I would say to improve this map is to make it more aesthetically pleasing and add more advantages for the ducks, and I think you did that in the improved map.