BANANA Disclaimer: Contains no bananas. a 1V1 map by Titmar. Download: : Halo 3 File Details Everyone has those days where they are trying to play, but there aren't enough friends on, or you just cant seem to get anyone in your party and are stuck with just one other person. Banana is a map for those days. I created Banana in my spare time in between projects that I am working on with other forgers, just as a map to have fun on playing against a single friend or two. Banana is the first in a series of 1V1 maps that I will be creating, so keep an eye out for them if you like this one. Recommended Gametypes: 1V1 Team Slayer Only. Weapon List: 1X Magnum, 30 sec 3X BR, 30 sec 1X Carbine, 60 sec 2X SMG, 30 sec 1X Plasma Rifle, 45 sec 1X Needler, 90 sec 1X Mauler, 90 sec, 0 clips 1X Snipe, 180 sec, 0 clips 1X Rockets, 180 sec, 0 clips 2X Plasma Nade, 45 sec 2X Frag Nade 1X Spike Nade, 90 sec 1X Camo, 90 sec (camo may seem unfair on a small 1V1 map like this, but it is in a difficult to reach spot and is somewhat hidden from view during normal play.) Screenshots: Overview #1: Blue room: Main room: The weapon holder on the left of the shot is where rockets will spawn. In the distance by the obelisk wall is Plasma Rifle spawn. Hallway, and wood wallway. Mauler spawns in the wood wallway. This area was changed slightly since the screenshot so that you dont accidentally bump into the ledge. SMG spawns here. Red room: Sniper spawn in on the upper part of this room where the Elite is heading toward. There is a BR spawn on the block, angled beneath. Another view, from red room looking across the bridge/hallway area to the wood wallway, which leads to the left from this shot and out into the Main Room. Looking from wood wallway out into the Main Room and rocket spawn. An overview looking down on Main Room. Overview #2: Another view of Blue Room from Main Room. Once again, just a small little 1v1 map to mess around on with a friend, nothing serious so please don't set your expectations of me TOO high. =P Download: : Halo 3 File Details Damnit... don't you always feel like you're forgetting something when you post a map?
wow, im pretty impressed with this map, i love the layout, the aesthetics are kinda simple, but great looking, overall it looks like a really good map 4/5. One question though, why the heck is it called Banana?! Haha, i really dont see anything that looks like a banana...
Yet another good looking map by Titmar. Sandbox sparking ideas in that head of yours? Haha, I think you're setting the player count down a bit, I think it might be able to fit 2v2 at least. The map looks good, many different height and vantage points. From the pictures it looks like you have to go one way to get somewhere which might cause some camping, ledges and more door ways into a hallway will prevent that. I can't really say much until I play it, so if I can remember to give a more in depth comment I'll come back, que'd up. Some questions I hope you will answer as I'm on the computer: Where's the Camo located? (maybe you could give me a location from the pictures) Did you try King of the Hill or Territories at all? And why did you call the map Banana, any specific reason or you just stumped?
This looks better than Harmony for a 1v1 map (of course I didn't really care for Harmony so my standards aren't very high) but this looks very good. Some people said 2v2 would probably work but 1v1 looks like it would fit very nicely. The layout is very original and the aesthetics are top notch. Great map. P.S. I will find the non-existing banana.
Harmony is a much more solid competitive map, this map was made just for fun. But thanks for the comparison. As far as 2V2 goes, it is chaotic and fun but I still recommend 1V1. Edit- to answer Camofo questions: * no i did not try territories, the map was made for fun with only 1V1 and small games in mind. * To get to camo spawn you have to jump up the obelisk wall. * i called the map Banana because it is part 1 of my Fruit Basket Map Pack! Also i was really high and i saw this model of King Kittan who looks like banana, and the glorious idea came to me.
This map looks small, but fun, looks like yuo've squeezed every last bit of juice from the small area you chose to use. Nice work, especially since you say this was done in between projects.
Titmar, you never cease to amaze us with your aesthetics and layout, AMAZING. Somehow you always seem to make a map unique both in layout and interesting aesthetic features, I simply love it... 10/10 DEFINITE DL...
As a Forge map, incredible. Would I play it? No. Why? Not because it's bad (look at first five words...), but I just don't like 1v1 maps. The map, though, is a feat of true "Forgemanship" (I made that word up.) 9/10! By the way, why in the world did you call it Banana!? Is the map shaped like one or something...?
Haha, good name find. It's actually smart if you think about it, everyone comes up with these very long, complex name or just throw sand, sky, or tomb into the name and they think it's genius, but it actually turns people away from it because it's such a common set of words. I think Objective games are a lot more fun then Slayer just an opinion of a small guy. I still haven't played it, I actually didn't even get to hop on the xbox yet. I can't wait for the rest of the fruit basket to be released.
Looks incredible, I enjoy some good 1v1 games; this should satisfy. Question, is it fit for King or Oddball/ any other objectives?
This is a sweet map and the gameplay looks nice the map is small but I like small maps and it looks like u put a lot of effort in this.
You actually forge? That's surprisig lol. Great layout I must say and of course your interlocking is flawless. Great job, sir.
Lol thanks man, theres a bit of Z-fighting because its actually not flawless. Yea I have returned to Forge since sandbox came out. Thanks for the good comments everyone, and no thanks to the spam and retard comments.
I don't play Halo very often, but when I do, I always open the fridge and pull out Banana It looks fun, and when i actually get around to it, I will play on it. *this thread and map have been endorsed by TheYavimayan*
Banana Wow, I hadn't seen this yet. I will definitely give this a download, as I am often only able to get one person to join. A 1V1 map pack is a cool idea. I think it is unique that this map has an indoor feel to it even though it's in the sky bubble. Great use of interlocking to create new structures. Nice work.
Like it said in my message i sent you.. I spawned outside the map for a beginning spawn. But dude the map is beautiful, I really like the aesthetics! It's really good and when I play it, it kind of reminds me of landing pad by val, I think its the layout. But, so good seriously, and you made the flicker problem a positive thing, I like how the whole floor strobes in the one part.