Tele Door

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by Goatnuts, Jan 3, 2009.

  1. Goatnuts

    Goatnuts Ancient
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    Tele Door : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details

    I know stuff has been done like this before where you unblock a teleporter to close a door, I dont know if there has ever been a switch made like this that will open and close the teleporter door a infinite number of times per round.

    How it works

    I cannot do this in steps as there are many aspects to it so I will use the pictures to explain and make things a little easier to comprehend.

    I cant really show this in a picture but at the start of the round the teleporters start blocked so that you can actually get in. So this in picture the door is open.

    This is a custom powerup that is right behind the door when you walk in, it does NOT close the door. This custom powerup is on a min/max with the powerup that is holding the pallet back. I did this on min/max for three reasons,

    #1 So that the pallet spawns and slides over the teleporter at the start of the round, so that the door is open.
    #2 So I could have the custom power on instant respawn while at the same time not spawning at start.
    #3 Makes so the door is able to be closed, but again grabbing this powerup does not close the door.

    There is alot to explain in this picture. As you can see I grabbed the powerup that was on min/max so now the powerup that holds the pallet back spawns. As I said before this does not close the door, it allows it so it can be closed. Now to close the door you throw a grenade into the slot which then blows up the pallet that is keeping the door open. Since the other custom powerup is now spawned once you blow up the pallet it does not go back over the the teleporter, thus closing the door sonce you cannot walk through right through wroking teleporters.

    Ah yes the inner-workings, now I can explain some more stuff! In this picture the door is open because the pallet is blocking the teleporter. But you already knew that. The last thing is that sender node that you get pushed through if the door would be closed, the grav lift that moves the pallet also pushes you through the sender node that puts you back infront of the door, keeping you from getting inside.

    Special Note
    Everything is on instant respawn, the custom power up(once the min/max is activated), the pallet, the fusion coil(blows up the pallet), and the grav lift(incase it accidently gets blown up). Having everything on instant respawn means you can open and close the door as fast or as slow as you want, you can pretty much open then close it in under 5 seconds helping a team member escape a bad situation pretty quickly. Remember though teleporters keep the enemy out but they can still shoot and throw grenades through them (Sounds kinda like the oppisite of the bubble shield desrciption).

    If you have any questions please ask seeing as I probably missed something somewhere but I did pretty much my best to explain it. : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
  2. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    How do you open it again?
  3. Goatnuts

    Goatnuts Ancient
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    It starts open, but when you throw a grenade into the the hole made out of doors that opens it.
  4. Blazen Nite

    Blazen Nite Ancient
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    cool switch dude. I get how to use it but still a little confused on how it works. i'll dl to see what's up. anyways, i was thinking about an infection map stemming from this, but i'm not sure that people would get how to use the door.

    good job nontheless
  5. Goatnuts

    Goatnuts Ancient
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    I could make it easier to use and more obvious for a map if you wanted my help I would be glad to help you with it.
  6. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    That didn't make sense...
  7. Goatnuts

    Goatnuts Ancient
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    You throw a grenade into those doors where the explosion is in the picture.
  8. oDannyKellyo

    oDannyKellyo Ancient
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    I dont get how you do it?
  9. dennis1895

    dennis1895 Ancient
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    the first custom holds the pallet back the other custom is for closing it and throwing a grenade is to open it ?
    so if you got custom 1 then you cant go through the door anymore?
    am i right or not im a bit confused
  10. Goatnuts

    Goatnuts Ancient
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    The custom powerup that you grab at first doesn't ever appear again, I did this so that the teleporters were opened at the start of the match until someone went in and closed it.
  11. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
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    This is really confusing, but I think I got it. Nice work. I am curently working a open/close door with propane tank switches. either side will hopefully close or open the door. I will download yours to see what I can learn from it.
  12. Yyzyyz

    Yyzyyz Ancient
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    this is confusing, and why would people dl this anyway
    epic phail/5
  13. Spwee1494

    Spwee1494 Ancient
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    i thought it was very helpful
    you dont mind me using a similar version on Ghost Town and/or Sandbox if i credit you, do you?
  14. Flowbotz

    Flowbotz Ancient
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    I don`t like it one bit.I don`t like the idea.Its bad
  15. PRS

    PRS Ancient
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    goatnuts, dont mind the noobs, its easily understandable 2 me. The door is open at the start cuz the pallet is blocking the reciever node 2 the teleprter door, so u can walk in. when u get the power up on the other side the other one spawns, not knockin down the pallet but making the switch workable. u pick it up the reciever node is unblocj=ked, and wallah! u go there from the door. Very nice and very complicated. You took oyur time to formulate this (I hope.) You get a cookie! Chocolate Chip! lucky. lol jk but im impressed with the work of this switch. nice job 5/5 for intuity and 5/5 for switch/builtness
  16. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    Dude if your gonna critique some one tell them why. Don't just say this sucks. Can you do this? If not, then don't just criticize. If you can, then give the guy some advice.

    Anyway I really like the switch. The mechanics seem to work very well.

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