Hello, I've madde an aesthetic map on snadbox called Mini Halo. I made it in the crypt. It's an observation deck fromwhere you can see a Halo ring firing. The Halo ring can been seen in space. Overview ring (with effects) Overview ring (with effects) Observation deck (with effects) From inside the observation deck (with effects) Overview ring Overview ring Observation deck From inside the observation deck Click Here to download
I guess it's supposed to look cool but I don't see how walking around with a ton of FX on while looking at a big circle would be cool. No idea why someone would want to make a Halo ring at all. Sorry but I'm also giving it a 1/5. The circle isn't even round.
I honestly can't see the point. it doesnt even look good. If this took more than 5 minutes you're very sad. 1/10 edit: And Another thing. If you had done it well it might had looked slightly half decent in the sky bubble at an extra for a map on the ground, so people go "Wow thats cool ... now back to the game."
Everyone please stop moaning at him, if you think its poor, you can always make your own =D. And to those who have said "Whats the point?", its in the aesthetics section for a reason, aesthetics most of the time arent playable, they are mostly just for show. The map: Well i've never seen anybody make a halo ring before, kudos for that. Although i feel that you executed it poorly. I strongly suggest that you spend more time on making your maps more proffessional, and neat. And please do not use the two effects that make the game blurry, people can't see the map and hate the effects. I'll give you a 5/5 for originality, but the map is only a 1.5/5, take abit longer on your map next time, people will like it, and download it more.
A lot of the people need to grow up. Seriously. You could improve this map by using smaller objects to make up the Halo ring. Wedges are about half the length of walls, which lead to smoother, gradual curves. Also if there is an observation deck, then you could make it like the Halo ring from Halo: CE, the graphical representation that the Chief almost inserted the Index into. Just build a kind of walkway that goes right up to the ring, with a dashboard in front. And if you use smaller objects, you won't need to use the nova effect. I'm giving it ∞/ 1, because your ratings are arbitrary, meaningless and elitist.
Maybe, just maybe if it was in the skybubble, and maybe if it was a ring, not an eleven sided shape, maybe then it might be a half decent asthetic, but as it stands it isn't god at all. The idea however is one i've neither seen nor thought of before. If you put more than 5 minutes dedication into a project like this then you (and a much higher higher majority of the forgehub communtity) migh just like the result. Just take on board the criticism and work from there =)
im sorry but this is not a very good map but it was a good effort and i think with more practice you could make a great map
Well from your screenshots i can see youve got some basic understanding of forge but you dont know how to properly impliment these into an aesthetic map. You do have potential if you learn to use what you know to your advanage. here's a word of advice there is only two differnt FX's that can be used in aesthetic maps: Colour Blind and Juicy, These two FX's when used properly can meen the different between a rubbish map and a great map. I think that if you ever do decide to make a version two of this map i think you should firstly try making it in the sky bubble. Secondly you should interlock much more(from what i can see here your still not great at interlocking so find somethat knows how to, ask around tehre are hundreds of members on forgehub that would gladly help you out with your map). Thridly, you take of any of the FX's. (these wont really help make this type of map much better) And last but not least you should put thing around the halo so players will be more inticed to DL it. Overall i would give this map 2 out of 5 stars because although the map isnt presented or made well you have an understanding of forge and with some time and patience you could make a great map
Hahaha you always have to beat me to it, don't ya? Anyways, i'm just gonna sumarize what he said... -Skybubble -Moar Inturlokz -Find someone to help you (I may be good at making aesthetic maps, but please, don't come to me.) -Juicy or Colorblind -Put thing around halo (I don't really know what he means here... I think he means make the observation deck float near the halo far enough so if people jump out of it, they fall to their death.) 4/10 ********** | 2/5 *****
good thing you didn't just contradicted yourself in your own reply /sarcasm Personally i think the map is horrid, it has the potential to be good if you could find a way to make it more realistic. Its just a few walls put together in the shape of a loop with random power-ups scattered around.
This is definitely not a Mini-Halo. It is a bunch a walls that you sloppily arranged together into a "circle" that looks more like a cheese wedge that was sat on by an obese man for over five hours. After that, you simply added some blurry effects to it so that no one can see the crappy "ring" you made. There is obviously no effort in this. Next time, make the ring in the Sky Bubble, so that it looks like it's in space, and use guides to line up the objects. The only way I think of to get the proper angles for making a large circle is to use small, flat objects like Stone Bridges to take the angles from the circle you can make using four arches. Try again. However, I do congratulate you for making a good post with a description and pics embedded, even though the map itself is lacking.
Not a great map, but it's in this section for a reason. Maybe in the Sky Bubble, with a Small spaceship orbiting it? I want credit.
I got to admit it looks pretty cool with the effects, but I think you should work on the "Halo" itself. It looks a tiny bit sloppy, more of an octagon than a circle, thats bout it 3/5Map 4/5Picture
I can kinda see where this is going, but no. A few things - It seems rigid. You may want to consider making the ring larger and using more pieces to make it seem less like a polygon, more like a ring. - I believe Halo is tilted somewhat, this one is straight upright. It's a tough project to tackle but if you can smooth it out and adjust the angle, then it could be something. But 1/5 for me.
GODDAMIT if it sucks so much then stop bumping the thread. there are 17 comments on this thread, but only 4 or 5 comments on really good aesthetic maps in this section. stop bumping the thread common ****ing sense Example of a poor post and spam and... then, right after his original post...... nice spam/bad review/dont post on the thread if it "sucks". This is an example of a good post, not containing any spam, just good ol common sense and reasoning. And here is a perfectly fine post, Your post does not have to be a half page long, just as long as it includes good feedback involving the thread. Another very well thought out post, regarding the map, without spam, or insulting language, you can tell this user is not trying to get his post count up because he thinks out his post before he posts it. Remember, You dont have to be super nice, just as long as it isn't a flame post. If there are any posts that are shorter or less detailed than this AFTER 3 DAYS OF POSTING ON A "TERRIBLE" MAP POST, then this thread should be locked. Sorry, I though I oughta post this to clear this up. Possible request of lock if spam/multiple comments continues.
wow, this was a waste of your time. it doesn't even resemble a circle. use wedges or something like that, and at least interlock. also, don't use blurry effects. take those out, and remake the circle, you could have a very nice map!
THIS IS A GREAT IDEA! I think this is a really cool, original idea. And to everyone complaining about the FX. They are meant to make it look blurry so it doesn't look like walls + powerups. I didn't even know what the coloured things were until the non-fx pic. Great idea for the map. Who cares if it's not straight, someone make it yourself, or stop complaining.