Have you heard any funny or annoying name mispronunciations? ChaosInAction - "hey chosen raisin..." NightLeviathan - "NightLevitation..." "Levi-athon, are you a marathon of levi jeans?" ROMAK AK - "Roman ak..." Can these people read...hehe?
yea... SargeantSarcasm- Sarge (pfft my name is in no way related to that word, once again pfft) Mr. AWESOME (understandable) Glorious Light-Bringer (once again... understandable)
master mastero fu master o fuxxx mas terofu All of those names are understandable, i either go by master of master o fuxx, but my name is xxxmasterofuxxx or master of u
shame < seriously, where is the e in sham sam < well, i gues its ok cos its my name shamge < just plain WTF!?
ok i get called 3 names on LIVE Gamertag: XarabianNinjaX BarbarianNinja--???? i dont see it Zerabian--- again??? Arabian---thats fine becuz its shorter and u didnt butcher my name
My name's pretty hard to Butcher. Most of the time I'm either "Godfather" or "Godfather Bob" (808? ... BOB?, I don't get it :/ lol). Although one kid insisted on calling me "The Bobster".
Some games make the L in my name look too much like an I or just part of the other i. "Hey KINK!" Ooh, kinky. NO! And I've been called Klank... on purpose. Ah, the IRC shenanigans.
"O po" is the only one for me. It was meant to be pronounced "op o" but whatever, it doesnt really matter to me.
Lulz, you don't know the half of it. Theres: Origami ~ I mean, WTF? Qrangeremi vs Origami Orange-Jeremy ~ Wha? My name is Brandon Nubs! Orangereeeeeeeeeeeemmmeeeeee ~ C'mon, learn that a single (1) 'e' makes the sound 'ehh' as in Ehh. Qrange-a-reeeeemmmeee ~ Again, the 'e' sound. And do you not have enough common sense to tell that I mean Orange not Qrange. I mean look at my ****ing color! And they also pronounce the 'a' as like in May, or Lay. D00ds, it's Orange (pronounced like the word) Remi (Remmmm-eeeee) -Get it? -Got it. -Good.
wow where do i begin... GT: LIGHTSOUT225 (as in lights out) Lighthouse Lifehouse Light sout (wtf?) sout life scout light scout In the immortal words of BetaWaffle, "I don't really care what you call me as long as it doesn't look like you can't read."