Foundry Class Warfare

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by oxStevoxo, Apr 19, 2009.

  1. oxStevoxo

    oxStevoxo Ancient
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    Class Warfare

    With the outbreak of war, UNION High Command commissioned many of these high tech simulation facilities to train soldiers for the fight against the Communist aggressors.

    Yo, Stevo here posting my first ever Forge map on this site. I hope some of you enjoy this map, and if there’s anything I could improve on please tell me.

    Class Warfare incorporates a feature that I have yet to see widely used in Halo 3 – class based combat. I got the idea from playing a really good map a few months back which used a similar class design, but was made to play as a “boss battle” style game. I can’t remember the name of the map or that of the guy who made it, but I do remember thinking that the class system it used at the beginning would work well with normal Halo 3 gameplay, with a few tweaks if necessary. In turn, this inspired me to make a full map out of it, and after several games I am pleased with the end result.

    At the start, there are four classes for each team to choose from – Assault, Sharpshooter, Light Assault, and Heavy Weps. Each class offers its own advantages and disadvantages. For example: A Light Assault unit is powerful at close range, but is easy pickings for a Sharpshooter. And while the Heavy Weps class gives you the Rocket launcher as your primary weapon and a boost in shield strength, the weight and bulk of the launcher will slow you down considerably. But only for ninety seconds – the powerup wears off after that, unfortunately. Also, each class receives unique grenades and equipment to aid the player.

    The map itself is relatively simple. Made up of large boxes placed around the battlefield, Class Warfare consists of tight alleyways and small spaces that bring out the best in the automatic weapons (And especially the Rocket launcher), but provide enough open areas for the Sniper rifle to be effective. You’ll have to keep an eye on the tops of the boxes too – a clever opponent will make use of the “rooftops” to bring hot death from above.

    Now onto the aims and goals of the game. To be played properly, Class Warfare requires the accompanying gametype designed for the map. A modification on the standard Territories gametype, Team Classes lasts for two rounds and each round lasts five minutes. It requires the teams to move out and secure all the Territories littering the field. The attacking team receives one point for taking a Territory, and the point is erased if the defending team takes it back. The team with the most points at the end, naturally, wins. Be aware, however – the Territories can be recaptured, so stay on your toes and be ready to defend your recently acquired territories if need be.

    Oh, and one more thing: Because of the nature of the game, Class Warfare requires teleporters to drop players right into the fight. This means that telecamping is a possibility, and ruins the game if executed. If you really want to get the best out of the map, please refrain from telecamping. Cheers.


    The following information lists the various weapons and abilities of each class. Along with your primary weapon, you also have a Magnum sidearm for emergencies. Not that you’ll need it; weapon pickup is enabled, allowing you to mix n’ match the weapons from your fallen foes as you see fit. This is sometimes detrimental to the gameplay, but there’s not a great deal I can do about it. Sorry.
    *A picture of each class can be seen below.

    Weapon – Assault Rifle
    Grenades - Frag
    Equipment – X2 Deployable Cover

    Heavy Weps:
    Weapon – Rocket launcher
    Grenades - Flame
    Equipment – X2 Trip Mine

    Weapon – Sniper Rifle
    Grenades - Spike
    Equipment – X2 Flare

    Light Assault:
    Weapon - SMG
    Grenades - Plasma
    Equipment – X2 Radar Jammer

    Class Warfare B: Update of the original map with added Battle Rifles. The Assault and Light Assault classes have been tweaked as such:

    Weapon - Battle Rifle
    Grenades - Frag
    Equipment - X2 Deployable Cover

    Light Assault:
    Weapon - Assault Rifle
    Grenades - Frag
    Equipment - X2 Radar Jammer

    Choosing your class
    Choosing your class couldn't be easier (Well, it could. But not on this game it couldn't). There are four boxes in your team's spawn area, and all you have to do is enter the box via the man cannons, grab your weapons and equipment, and exit through the teleporter. The closet box to the wall is the Assault class, while the second one along is Heavy Weps. The third one along is the Sharpshooter, while the last one houses the Light Assault class. The only hard part is deciding which class to choose. And remember: weapon pickups are activated, allowing you to mix weapon sets together and crush the enemy team.


    Some screenshots of the map.


    Overview 2

    Territory 1

    Territory 2

    Territory 3

    Territory 4

    Class selection boxes - walk into the box to select your class.

    Class Warfare is composed of many narrow alleyways and tight spaces...

    But there is sufficient space and line of sight on the map to make good use of the Sniper Rifle.

    Fusion frenzy - The map is littered with fusion coils, especially around the Territories. Keep an eye out.

    Assault - The Assault class.

    Sharpshooter - The Sharpshooter class. In an effort to balance the game, there are only two Sniper Rifles in the Sharpshooter box and they have longer respawn times than most other weapons.

    Heavy Weps - The Heavy Weps class. In an effort to balance the game, there are only two Rocket Launchers in the Heavy Weps box, each launcher is limited to just one magazine and they have longer respawn times than any other weapon.

    Light Assault - The Light Assault class.

    Download links:
    Map (Requires gametype to function):
    Gametype (Required for map):

    Class Warfare B (Battle Rifles):
    #1 oxStevoxo, Apr 19, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2009
  2. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    Welcome to Forge Hub!

    Honestly this map seems like it would play like COD4 or COD5 with the classes and all.
    The map itself seems a little plain... Its cool how you didnt interlock and it still looks pretty clean (from what my eyes see). i dont see how you can get on top of the boxes though....
    Also this map makes me want to make my own... can i make one of these? it will probably be on sandbox.
  3. oxStevoxo

    oxStevoxo Ancient
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    I never intended the map to look pretty. I simply wanted to provide some solid gameplay with the class system. Whether or not I've succeeded in that goal is up to the people who play it. Plus I didn't have the budget left to make anything worthwhile, and I'm not imaginitive enough to make anything too fancy.

    And yeah, of course you can use the class system. You don't even need to ask, none of it's under copyright or anything. Hell, I took the basic class system from another map myself, as I said up top.

    Oh, and thanks for the welcome :)
    #3 oxStevoxo, Apr 19, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2009
  4. Bass Forger

    Bass Forger Ancient
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    it's perfectly clean what're you talking about. Please point me to a section that is not? Also i'm assuming you just didn't see interlocking so it's not a good map. Play it, i dare you ^.^.

    I love these kind of maps and i like how you tried to balance the classes out which is extrordanarily helpful. Not many class maps have that in mind. Good job!
  5. madcow015

    madcow015 Ancient
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    yeah I don't see why people make such a big deal of interlocking. In my opinion, with a mix between short/med range and lots of hallways and obstacles, any map can be worthwhile; the design and aesthetics is only half the fun, the rest is up to the player.

    Im Dling, looks like a really fun map, 4/5
  6. oxStevoxo

    oxStevoxo Ancient
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    UPDATE: A second version of the map has been added. Class Warfare B has been designed for those who prefer the Battle Rifle over the Assault Rifle, so the classes stand as this:

    Weapon - Battle Rifle
    Grenades - Frag
    Equipment - X2 Deployable Cover

    Light Assault:
    Weapon - Assault Rifle
    Grenades - Frag
    Equipment - X2 Radar Jammer

    Other than that, everything else is the same.
  7. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    for the heavy weapons guy i think he should get a turret and rocket launcher.... i think it would be more like COD4 and 5 (if thats what you were trying to do if not then keep it the same)
  8. oxStevoxo

    oxStevoxo Ancient
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    I thought about adding a turret, but then realised that the guy would then be armed with two heavy weapons, and would have too much firepower. However, I haven't actually tried it, and the map is open to the public, so I'm sure if anybody wants to tweak it to their liking then they will. However, I am thinking of making a version with Covenant weapons.
  9. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
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    I like the idea, but who would ever choose the Light Assault class? The BR is more dominant than the Assault Rifle in almost every situation. Plus, the Deployable Cover is much more useful than a Radar Jammer. I would suggest changing the Light Assault Class to the Close Combat Class or something. Here's what I was thinking:

    Close Combat:
    Weapon - Shotgun
    Grenades - Plasmas
    Equipment - X2 Bubble Shield

    Even though the map is simple, I really like it! I think the idea would be perfect if you changed the Assault Class to a Close Combat Class! 4/5 :)

    Covenant vs. UNSC would be cool too.
  10. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    well isnt that the point of the class? haha "heavy weapons"?
    ive some fantastic ideas of classes... im gona remake one of these maps on almost every map.... thats gona be my goal :p

    i played this and it was really fun. territories was a little eh, its just best on slayer. overal great idea pretty good map!
  11. oxStevoxo

    oxStevoxo Ancient
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    Well, yes... but I didn't want to give any one class a massive advantage over everything else. Still, I do like the idea of using turrets. Perhaps I'll make a version with no Rocket launchers and just turrets in the heavy weapons box.

    And thanks for liking it :)
  12. Milk Assasin

    Milk Assasin Ancient
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    I have to be honest here and say that i dont really like the map... it seems to look the same where ever u turn your head, but im guessing it might play good on BRs? although i must admit i do like the idea of the class selection bit, how does it work? are the boxes open at the other end? cos i cudnt see u getting bk out past the man cannons?
  13. oxStevoxo

    oxStevoxo Ancient
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    Basically, you enter the box, pick up the available weapons and equipment, and then exit through the teleporter at the other end. I suppose I should have taken a picture of the teleporters, but I do explain it all in my original post.
  14. Milk Assasin

    Milk Assasin Ancient
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    oh right, sorry i must have missed that bit. i like that idea tho, but im still not sure about the map :/
  15. oxStevoxo

    oxStevoxo Ancient
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    Meh, it's cool. Can't expect everybody to like it. But if you have any problems with the layout or with the gameplay or anything, care to tell me? I could do with some constructive criticism so I have a smaller chance of making the same mistakes again.
  16. Milk Assasin

    Milk Assasin Ancient
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    to be honest, i dont think its the layout that i dont like, i think its just that all the platforms are made from the same block. IMO everything seems to look the same, but it might just be me, im not a great fan of foundry or foundry varients, simply because i dont like any of the objects that areplaced in it, and i normally find that most foundry maps look scruffy and rushed regardless of how long they took to produce, however yours doesnt seem that way, it looks neat. like i said, it probs jst cos im not keen on foundry varients :/ sorry lol.

    but dont get me wrong im sure the gameplay is fine and it works well as a map, but its just not for me :(

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