I would recommend getting (or trying to get) every one for the machinima locally, that way you can use the gun down thing. My friends and i are making machinima too, and we have to do system links on the weekends, so that everyone will/can have their gun down in conversations and such. We'll be extras for you, if you'll be extras for us, sound good? Gamertag: xxDeeJxx
Extras can work. But I can't do it locally. There will be scenes when it just me and another kid where they can be down, but If I did it with my other friends it'd be hell. Action/Comedy, kind of like red vs. blue's genre.
Sorry to bump. I know I am not supposed to, but I am getting my last message out there. The meeting is TODAY. 1:30 PM EST OR GMT-5! That is 1 hour and 50 minutes from the time this message was posted. Be there or be sqaure.
I dunno just saying.Also will I get a special mention in the credits like stars including:ETC... ????
If your in it, you will be mentioned in the opening scene, credits, and everything. Also in our youtube channel and website