God, I wish I can join the team and help you guys out, I feel left out right now lol. I can't get to the store to get xbl. My parents do not want me to buy it..idk why. Eh, hopefully in the future I will be in one of these.
Roche seems to be offline right now and for some reason, the song didn't download. (Roche sent me the song) I'll try to get it another way, but for now, we'll have to wait. But for now: TRANSFORMERS REASSEMBLE!!!!!!
Wha? Who called for me? oh i see its you Amercan You know how hard it is to come all the way from the TRC Board to here? Lucky i even came...
Ohai thar! We're looking for someone to replace Phreakie next episode (E74 error) do you happen to know anyone that might be able to participate?
And Kidbomber has been one of them. He PM'd me early on, so he's fine. EDIT: I thought I gave you guys a list of who messaged me...
"If you will all follow the Admin Stone you will be liberated in your next life! olollolololololol!" -Rachel Damn that was hilarious, great job American.
Your question will be answered in a few days. But, Transformers! Reassemble! .....in the bulletin board, we got to get some stuff done first. And clarify some things also.
Pick meh. I'm on Agamer's, xSharpshooter94's, Xanon's, Roche178's, and Headlessbarbie's list anyways. So i win the spot of Phreakie. No discussion is needed Gamertag: CaMOfo Mic: Yes Idea: Get a Hornet or Banshee and try to get everyone on the tallest tower on the map we're playing on.
Gamertag: Smeagleton Mic: Yes Please Any Ideas: pretend to talk in japanese or something, idk I'm more of a random guy Pick me more than CaMO, that dude is a doopa head. Nah, I'll just join if someone is missing or somethin.
Guys, I think we are kinda over doing the list at the moment. I'm sorry but i dont know if we can guarantee that everyone on the list gets a chance to play. Sorry to say but it's true and if this is really the case, I will discuss with the staff on what action we should take regarding the spare's. Who knows, maybe some of you will become official members or get another job of equal intertainment. Also, another note. Staff please go to the group discussion tomorrow when you get on the hub afterschool. Needz moar discussing.
I don't really want to be in it, but one thing that I've done with some of my friends is when we got matched up against a clan or really good people we would all run to vehicles, and see how many times we could drive around the map without dying. The person with the most laps wins! One time the other team started doing it too, but they were driving choppers, so the just thrust into us, and we died Works best on Standoff, Rat's Nest, and Sand Trap. Probably would work on Sandbox too.